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Duckcpp 2.1.0
Duckcpp is a high-performance c++ graphics engine.
The gui namespace contains useful classes for easy creation of a graphical user interface. More...
Classes | |
class | ICursorControl |
Interface to manipulate the mouse cursor. More... | |
class | IGUIButton |
GUI Button interface. More... | |
class | IGUICheckBox |
GUI Check box interface. More... | |
class | IGUIColorSelectDialog |
Standard color chooser dialog. More... | |
class | IGUIComboBox |
Combobox widget. More... | |
class | IGUIContextMenu |
GUI Context menu interface. More... | |
class | IGUIEditBox |
Single line edit box for editing simple text. More... | |
class | IGUIElement |
Base class of all GUI elements. More... | |
class | IGUIElementFactory |
Interface making it possible to dynamically create GUI elements. More... | |
class | IGUIEnvironment |
GUI Environment. Used as factory and manager of all other GUI elements. More... | |
class | IGUIFileOpenDialog |
Standard file chooser dialog. More... | |
class | IGUIFont |
Font interface. More... | |
class | IGUIFontBitmap |
Font interface. More... | |
class | IGUIImage |
GUI element displaying an image. More... | |
class | IGUIImageList |
Font interface. More... | |
class | IGUIInOutFader |
Element for fading out or in. More... | |
class | IGUIListBox |
Default list box GUI element. More... | |
class | IGUIMeshViewer |
3d mesh viewing GUI element. More... | |
class | IGUIProfiler |
Element to display profiler information. More... | |
class | IGUIScrollBar |
Default scroll bar GUI element. More... | |
class | IGUISkin |
A skin modifies the look of the GUI elements. More... | |
class | IGUISpinBox |
Single line edit box + spin buttons. More... | |
class | IGUISpriteBank |
Sprite bank interface. More... | |
class | IGUIStaticText |
Multi or single line text label. More... | |
class | IGUITab |
A tab-page, onto which other gui elements could be added. More... | |
class | IGUITabControl |
A standard tab control. More... | |
class | IGUITable |
Default list box GUI element. More... | |
class | IGUIToolBar |
Stays at the top of its parent like the menu bar and contains tool buttons. More... | |
class | IGUITreeView |
Default tree view GUI element. More... | |
class | IGUITreeViewNode |
Node for gui tree view. More... | |
class | IGUIWindow |
Default moveable window GUI element with border, caption and close icons. More... | |
class | SCursorSprite |
class used to set sprites as cursors. More... | |
class | SGUISprite |
A sprite composed of several frames. More... | |
class | SGUISpriteFrame |
A single sprite frame. More... | |
Variables | |
const c8 *const | GUIColumnOrderingNames [] |
Names for EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING types. | |
const c8 *const | GUIOrderingModeNames [] |
const c8 *const | GUISkinTypeNames [EGST_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui element types. | |
const c8 *const | GUISkinColorNames [EGDC_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin colors. | |
const c8 *const | GUISkinSizeNames [EGDS_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin sizes. | |
const c8 *const | GUISkinTextNames [EGDT_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin sizes. | |
const c8 *const | GUISkinIconNames [EGDI_COUNT+1] |
const c8 *const | GUISkinFontNames [EGDF_COUNT+1] |
const c8 *const | GUIButtonStateNames [EGBS_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui button state icons. | |
const c8 *const | GUIButtonImageStateNames [EGBIS_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui button image states. | |
const c8 *const | GUICursorIconNames [ECI_COUNT+1] |
Names for ECURSOR_ICON. | |
const c8 *const | GUIElementTypeNames [] |
Names for built-in element types. | |
const c8 *const | GUIAlignmentNames [] |
Names for alignments. | |
The gui namespace contains useful classes for easy creation of a graphical user interface.
platform specific behavior flags for the cursor
Enumerator | |
ECPB_NONE | default - no platform specific behavior |
ECPB_X11_CACHE_UPDATES | On X11 try caching cursor updates as XQueryPointer calls can be expensive. Update cursor positions only when the duckcpp timer has been updated or the timer is stopped. This means you usually get one cursor update per device->run() which will be fine in most cases. See this forum-thread for a more detailed explanation: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=45525 |
Bitflags for defining the the focus behavior of the gui.
State of buttons used for drawing texture images. Note that only a single state is active at a time Also when no image is defined for a state it will use images from another state and if that state is not set from the replacement for that,etc. So in many cases setting EGBIS_IMAGE_UP and EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN is sufficient.
Current state of buttons used for drawing sprites. Note that up to 3 states can be active at the same time: EGBS_BUTTON_UP or EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN EGBS_BUTTON_MOUSE_OVER or EGBS_BUTTON_MOUSE_OFF EGBS_BUTTON_FOCUSED or EGBS_BUTTON_NOT_FOCUSED
modes for ordering used when a column header is clicked
Enumeration for skin colors.
Customizable symbols for GUI.
Enumeration for default sizes.
Enumerator | |
EGDS_SCROLLBAR_SIZE | default with / height of scrollbar. Also width of drop-down button in comboboxes. |
EGDS_MENU_HEIGHT | height of menu |
EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH | width and height of a window titlebar button (like minimize/maximize/close buttons). The titlebar height is also calculated from that. |
EGDS_CHECK_BOX_WIDTH | width of a checkbox check |
EGDS_BUTTON_WIDTH | width of a default button |
EGDS_BUTTON_HEIGHT | height of a default button (OK and cancel buttons) |
EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_X | distance for text from background |
EGDS_TEXT_DISTANCE_Y | distance for text from background |
EGDS_TITLEBARTEXT_DISTANCE_X | distance for text in the title bar, from the left of the window rect |
EGDS_TITLEBARTEXT_DISTANCE_Y | distance for text in the title bar, from the top of the window rect |
EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_GAP_SPACE | free space in a messagebox between borders and contents on all sides |
EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH | minimal space to reserve for messagebox text-width |
EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_WIDTH | maximal space to reserve for messagebox text-width |
EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_HEIGHT | minimal space to reserve for messagebox text-height |
EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_HEIGHT | maximal space to reserve for messagebox text-height |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_X | pixels to move an unscaled button image to the right when a button is pressed and the unpressed image looks identical |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_Y | pixels to move an unscaled button image down when a button is pressed and the unpressed image looks identical |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_TEXT_OFFSET_X | pixels to move the button text to the right when a button is pressed |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_TEXT_OFFSET_Y | pixels to move the button text down when a button is pressed |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_SPRITE_OFFSET_X | pixels to move an unscaled button sprite to the right when a button is pressed |
EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_SPRITE_OFFSET_Y | pixels to move an unscaled button sprite down when a button is pressed |
EGDS_COUNT | this value is not used, it only specifies the amount of default sizes available. |
List of all basic Duckcpp GUI elements.
An IGUIElement returns this when calling IGUIElement::getType();
Enumerator | |
EGUIET_BUTTON | A button (IGUIButton) |
EGUIET_CHECK_BOX | A check box (IGUICheckBox) |
EGUIET_COMBO_BOX | A combo box (IGUIComboBox) |
EGUIET_CONTEXT_MENU | A context menu (IGUIContextMenu) |
EGUIET_MENU | A menu (IGUIMenu) |
EGUIET_EDIT_BOX | An edit box (IGUIEditBox) |
EGUIET_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG | A file open dialog (IGUIFileOpenDialog) |
EGUIET_COLOR_SELECT_DIALOG | A color select open dialog (IGUIColorSelectDialog) |
EGUIET_IN_OUT_FADER | A in/out fader (IGUIInOutFader) |
EGUIET_IMAGE | An image (IGUIImage) |
EGUIET_LIST_BOX | A list box (IGUIListBox) |
EGUIET_MESH_VIEWER | A mesh viewer (IGUIMeshViewer) |
EGUIET_MESSAGE_BOX | A message box (IGUIWindow) |
EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN | A modal screen. |
EGUIET_SCROLL_BAR | A scroll bar (IGUIScrollBar) |
EGUIET_SPIN_BOX | A spin box (IGUISpinBox) |
EGUIET_STATIC_TEXT | A static text (IGUIStaticText) |
EGUIET_TAB | A tab (IGUITab) |
EGUIET_TAB_CONTROL | A tab control. |
EGUIET_TOOL_BAR | A tool bar (IGUIToolBar) |
EGUIET_WINDOW | A window. |
EGUIET_ELEMENT | Unknown type. |
EGUIET_ROOT | The root of the GUI. |
EGUIET_COUNT | Not an element, amount of elements in there. |
EGUIET_FORCE_32_BIT | This enum is never used, it only forces the compiler to compile this enumeration to 32 bit. |
Enumeration for all events which are sendable by the gui system.
Enumerator | |
EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST | A gui element has lost its focus. GUIEvent.Caller is losing the focus to GUIEvent.Element. If the event is absorbed then the focus will not be changed. |
EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED | A gui element has got the focus. If the event is absorbed then the focus will not be changed. |
EGET_ELEMENT_HOVERED | The mouse cursor hovered over a gui element. If an element has sub-elements you also get this message for the subelements |
EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT | The mouse cursor left the hovered element. If an element has sub-elements you also get this message for the subelements |
EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED | An element would like to close. Windows and context menus use this event when they would like to close, this can be canceled by absorbing the event. |
EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED | A button was clicked. |
EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED | A scrollbar has changed its position. |
EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED | A checkbox has changed its check state. |
EGET_LISTBOX_CHANGED | A new item in a listbox was selected. NOTE: You also get this event currently when the same item was clicked again after more than 500 ms. |
EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN | An item in the listbox was selected, which was already selected. NOTE: You get the event currently only if the item was clicked again within 500 ms or selected by "enter" or "space". |
EGET_FILE_SELECTED | A file has been selected in the file dialog. |
EGET_DIRECTORY_SELECTED | A directory has been selected in the file dialog. |
EGET_FILE_CHOOSE_DIALOG_CANCELLED | A file open dialog has been closed without choosing a file. |
EGET_MESSAGEBOX_YES | 'Yes' was clicked on a messagebox |
EGET_MESSAGEBOX_NO | 'No' was clicked on a messagebox |
EGET_MESSAGEBOX_OK | 'OK' was clicked on a messagebox |
EGET_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL | 'Cancel' was clicked on a messagebox |
EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER | In an editbox 'ENTER' was pressed. |
EGET_EDITBOX_CHANGED | The text in an editbox was changed. This does not include automatic changes in text-breaking. |
EGET_EDITBOX_MARKING_CHANGED | The marked area in an editbox was changed. |
EGET_TAB_CHANGED | The tab was changed in an tab control. |
EGET_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED | A menu item was selected in a (context) menu. |
EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED | The selection in a combo box has been changed. |
EGET_SPINBOX_CHANGED | The value of a spin box has changed. |
EGET_TABLE_CHANGED | A table has changed. |
EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_DESELECT | A tree view node lost selection. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode(). |
EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_SELECT | A tree view node was selected. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode(). |
EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_EXPAND | A tree view node was expanded. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode(). |
EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPSE | A tree view node was collapsed. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode(). |
EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPS | deprecated - use EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPSE instead. This may be removed by Duckcpp 1.9 |
EGET_COUNT | No real event. Just for convenience to get number of events. |
An enum for the different types of GUI font.
Enumeration of available default skins.
To set one of the skins, use the following code, for example to set the Windows classic skin:
Enumeration bitflag for when to validate the text typed into the spinbox Default used by Duckcpp is: (EGUI_SBV_ENTER|EGUI_SBV_LOSE_FOCUS)
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIAlignmentNames[] |
Names for alignments.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIButtonImageStateNames[EGBIS_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui button image states.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIButtonStateNames[EGBS_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui button state icons.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIColumnOrderingNames[] |
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUICursorIconNames[ECI_COUNT+1] |
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIElementTypeNames[] |
Names for built-in element types.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUIOrderingModeNames[] |
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinColorNames[EGDC_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin colors.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinFontNames[EGDF_COUNT+1] |
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinIconNames[EGDI_COUNT+1] |
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinSizeNames[EGDS_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin sizes.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinTextNames[EGDT_COUNT+1] |
Names for default skin sizes.
const c8* const dcpp::gui::GUISkinTypeNames[EGST_COUNT+1] |
Names for gui element types.