Duckcpp 2.1.0
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dcpp::gui::IGUITab Class Referenceabstract

A tab-page, onto which other gui elements could be added. More...

#include <duckcpp/core/engine/IGUITabControl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for dcpp::gui::IGUITab:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for dcpp::gui::IGUITab:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 IGUITab (IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, i32 id, nub::rect< i32 > rectangle)
virtual DCPP_DEPRECATED i32 getNumber () const
 Returns zero based index of tab if in tabcontrol.
virtual void setDrawBackground (bool draw=true)=0
 sets if the tab should draw its background
virtual void setBackgroundColor (video::SColor c)=0
 sets the color of the background, if it should be drawn.
virtual bool isDrawingBackground () const =0
 returns true if the tab is drawing its background, false if not
virtual video::SColor getBackgroundColor () const =0
 returns the color of the background
virtual void setTextColor (video::SColor c)=0
 sets the color of it's text in the tab-bar
virtual video::SColor getTextColor () const =0
 gets the color of the text
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::gui::IGUIElement
 IGUIElement (EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, i32 id, const nub::rect< i32 > &rectangle)
virtual ~IGUIElement ()
IGUIElementgetParent () const
 Returns parent of this element.
nub::rect< i32getRelativePosition () const
 Returns the relative rectangle of this element.
void setRelativePosition (const nub::rect< i32 > &r)
 Sets the relative rectangle of this element.
void setRelativePosition (const nub::position2di &position)
 Sets the relative rectangle of this element, maintaining its current width and height.
void setRelativePositionProportional (const nub::rect< f32 > &r)
 Sets the relative rectangle of this element as a proportion of its parent's area.
nub::rect< i32getAbsolutePosition () const
 Gets the absolute rectangle of this element.
nub::rect< i32getAbsoluteClippingRect () const
 Returns the visible area of the element.
void setNotClipped (bool noClip)
 Sets whether the element will ignore its parent's clipping rectangle.
bool isNotClipped () const
 Gets whether the element will ignore its parent's clipping rectangle.
void setMaxSize (nub::dimension2du size)
 Sets the maximum size allowed for this element.
void setMinSize (nub::dimension2du size)
 Sets the minimum size allowed for this element.
 The alignment defines how the borders of this element will be positioned when the parent element is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT getAlignLeft () const
 How left element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT getAlignRight () const
 How right element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT getAlignTop () const
 How top element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT getAlignBottom () const
 How bottom element border is aligned when parent is resized.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition ()
 Updates the absolute position.
virtual IGUIElementgetElementFromPoint (const nub::position2d< i32 > &point)
 Returns the topmost GUI element at the specific position.
virtual bool isPointInside (const nub::position2d< i32 > &point) const
 Returns true if a point is within this element.
virtual void addChild (IGUIElement *child)
 Adds a GUI element as new child of this element.
virtual void removeChild (IGUIElement *child)
 Removes a child.
virtual void remove ()
 Removes this element from its parent.
virtual void draw ()
 Draws the element and its children.
virtual void OnPostRender (u32 timeMs)
 animate the element and its children.
virtual void move (nub::position2d< i32 > absoluteMovement)
 Moves this element.
virtual bool isVisible () const
 Returns true if element is visible.
virtual bool isTrulyVisible () const
 Check whether the element is truly visible, taking into accounts its parents' visibility.
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
 Sets the visible state of this element.
virtual bool isSubElement () const
 Returns true if this element was created as part of its parent control.
virtual void setSubElement (bool subElement)
 Sets whether this control was created as part of its parent.
void setTabStop (bool enable)
 If set to true, the focus will visit this element when using the tab key to cycle through elements.
bool isTabStop () const
 Returns true if this element can be focused by navigating with the tab key.
void setTabOrder (i32 index)
 Sets the priority of focus when using the tab key to navigate between a group of elements.
i32 getTabOrder () const
 Returns the number in the tab order sequence.
void setTabGroup (bool isGroup)
 Sets whether this element is a container for a group of elements which can be navigated using the tab key.
bool isTabGroup () const
 Returns true if this element is a tab group.
IGUIElementgetTabGroup ()
 Returns the container element which holds all elements in this element's tab group.
virtual bool isEnabled () const
 Returns true if element is enabled.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets the enabled state of this element.
virtual void setText (const wchar_t *text)
 Sets the new caption of this element.
virtual const wchar_t * getText () const
 Returns caption of this element.
virtual void setToolTipText (const wchar_t *text)
 Sets the new caption of this element.
virtual const nub::wstringgetToolTipText () const
 Returns caption of this element.
virtual i32 getID () const
 Returns id. Can be used to identify the element.
virtual void setID (i32 id)
 Sets the id of this element.
virtual bool OnEvent (const SEvent &event) override
 Called if an event happened.
virtual bool bringToFront (IGUIElement *element)
 Brings a child to front.
virtual bool sendToBack (IGUIElement *child)
 Moves a child to the back, so it's siblings are drawn on top of it.
virtual const nub::list< IGUIElement * > & getChildren () const
 Returns list with children of this element.
virtual IGUIElementgetElementFromId (i32 id, bool searchchildren=false) const
 Finds the first element with the given id.
bool isMyChild (IGUIElement *child) const
bool getNextElement (i32 startOrder, bool reverse, bool group, IGUIElement *&first, IGUIElement *&closest, bool includeInvisible=false, bool includeDisabled=false) const
 searches elements to find the closest next element to tab to
EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE getType () const
 Returns the type of the gui element.
virtual bool hasType (EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const
 Returns true if the gui element supports the given type.
virtual const c8getTypeName () const
 Returns the type name of the gui element.
virtual const c8getName () const
 Returns the name of the element.
virtual void setName (const c8 *name)
 Sets the name of the element.
virtual void setName (const dcpp::nub::string &name)
 Sets the name of the element.
virtual void serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const override
 Writes attributes of the scene node.
virtual void deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) override
 Reads attributes of the scene node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::IReferenceCounted
 IReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~IReferenceCounted ()
void grab () const
 Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool drop () const
 Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
i32 getReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count.
const c8getDebugName () const
 Returns the debug name of the object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::IEventReceiver
virtual ~IEventReceiver ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from dcpp::gui::IGUIElement
void addChildToEnd (IGUIElement *child)
void recalculateAbsolutePosition (bool recursive)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dcpp::IReferenceCounted
void setDebugName (const c8 *newName)
 Sets the debug name of the object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from dcpp::gui::IGUIElement
nub::list< IGUIElement * > Children
 List of all children of this element.
 Pointer to the parent.
nub::rect< i32RelativeRect
 relative rect of element
nub::rect< i32AbsoluteRect
 absolute rect of element
nub::rect< i32AbsoluteClippingRect
 absolute clipping rect of element
nub::rect< i32DesiredRect
nub::rect< i32LastParentRect
 for calculating the difference when resizing parent
nub::rect< f32ScaleRect
 relative scale of the element inside its parent
nub::dimension2du MaxSize
 maximum and minimum size of the element
nub::dimension2du MinSize
bool IsVisible
 is visible?
bool IsEnabled
 is enabled?
bool IsSubElement
 is a part of a larger whole and should not be serialized?
bool NoClip
 does this element ignore its parent's clipping rectangle?
nub::wstring Text
nub::wstring ToolTipText
nub::string Name
 users can set this for identifying the element by string
i32 ID
 users can set this for identifying the element by integer
bool IsTabStop
 tab stop like in windows
i32 TabOrder
 tab order
bool IsTabGroup
 tab groups are containers like windows, use ctrl+tab to navigate
 tells the element how to act when its parent is resized
 GUI Environment.
 type of element

Detailed Description

A tab-page, onto which other gui elements could be added.

IGUITab refers mostly to the page itself, but also carries some data about the tab in the tabbar of an IGUITabControl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getNumber()

virtual DCPP_DEPRECATED i32 dcpp::gui::IGUITab::getNumber ( ) const

Returns zero based index of tab if in tabcontrol.

Deprecated in 1.9, use IGUITabControl::getTabIndex instead

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
