| IGUIStaticText (IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, i32 id, nub::rect< i32 > rectangle) |
| constructor
virtual void | setOverrideFont (IGUIFont *font=0)=0 |
| Sets another skin independent font.
virtual IGUIFont * | getOverrideFont (void) const =0 |
| Gets the override font (if any)
virtual IGUIFont * | getActiveFont () const =0 |
| Get the font which is used right now for drawing.
virtual void | setOverrideColor (video::SColor color)=0 |
| Sets another color for the text.
virtual video::SColor | getOverrideColor (void) const =0 |
| Gets the override color.
virtual video::SColor | getActiveColor () const =0 |
| Gets the currently used text color.
virtual void | enableOverrideColor (bool enable)=0 |
| Sets if the static text should use the override color or the color in the gui skin.
virtual bool | isOverrideColorEnabled (void) const =0 |
| Checks if an override color is enabled.
virtual void | setBackgroundColor (video::SColor color)=0 |
| Sets another color for the background.
virtual void | setDrawBackground (bool draw)=0 |
| Sets whether to draw the background.
virtual bool | isDrawBackgroundEnabled () const =0 |
| Checks if background drawing is enabled.
virtual video::SColor | getBackgroundColor () const =0 |
| Gets the background color.
virtual void | setDrawBorder (bool draw)=0 |
| Sets whether to draw the border.
virtual bool | isDrawBorderEnabled () const =0 |
| Checks if border drawing is enabled.
virtual void | setTextAlignment (EGUI_ALIGNMENT horizontal, EGUI_ALIGNMENT vertical)=0 |
| Sets text justification mode.
virtual void | setWordWrap (bool enable)=0 |
| Enables or disables word wrap for using the static text as multiline text control.
virtual bool | isWordWrapEnabled (void) const =0 |
| Checks if word wrap is enabled.
virtual i32 | getTextHeight () const =0 |
| Returns the height of the text in pixels when it is drawn.
virtual i32 | getTextWidth (void) const =0 |
| Returns the width of the current text, in the current font.
virtual void | setTextRestrainedInside (bool restrainedInside)=0 |
| Set whether the text in this label should be clipped if it goes outside bounds.
virtual bool | isTextRestrainedInside () const =0 |
| Checks if the text in this label should be clipped if it goes outside bounds.
virtual void | setRightToLeft (bool rtl)=0 |
| Set whether the string should be interpreted as right-to-left (RTL) text.
virtual bool | isRightToLeft () const =0 |
| Checks whether the text in this element should be interpreted as right-to-left.
| IGUIElement (EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIEnvironment *environment, IGUIElement *parent, i32 id, const nub::rect< i32 > &rectangle) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~IGUIElement () |
| Destructor.
IGUIElement * | getParent () const |
| Returns parent of this element.
nub::rect< i32 > | getRelativePosition () const |
| Returns the relative rectangle of this element.
void | setRelativePosition (const nub::rect< i32 > &r) |
| Sets the relative rectangle of this element.
void | setRelativePosition (const nub::position2di &position) |
| Sets the relative rectangle of this element, maintaining its current width and height.
void | setRelativePositionProportional (const nub::rect< f32 > &r) |
| Sets the relative rectangle of this element as a proportion of its parent's area.
nub::rect< i32 > | getAbsolutePosition () const |
| Gets the absolute rectangle of this element.
nub::rect< i32 > | getAbsoluteClippingRect () const |
| Returns the visible area of the element.
void | setNotClipped (bool noClip) |
| Sets whether the element will ignore its parent's clipping rectangle.
bool | isNotClipped () const |
| Gets whether the element will ignore its parent's clipping rectangle.
void | setMaxSize (nub::dimension2du size) |
| Sets the maximum size allowed for this element.
void | setMinSize (nub::dimension2du size) |
| Sets the minimum size allowed for this element.
void | setAlignment (EGUI_ALIGNMENT left, EGUI_ALIGNMENT right, EGUI_ALIGNMENT top, EGUI_ALIGNMENT bottom) |
| The alignment defines how the borders of this element will be positioned when the parent element is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT | getAlignLeft () const |
| How left element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT | getAlignRight () const |
| How right element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT | getAlignTop () const |
| How top element border is aligned when parent is resized.
EGUI_ALIGNMENT | getAlignBottom () const |
| How bottom element border is aligned when parent is resized.
virtual void | updateAbsolutePosition () |
| Updates the absolute position.
virtual IGUIElement * | getElementFromPoint (const nub::position2d< i32 > &point) |
| Returns the topmost GUI element at the specific position.
virtual bool | isPointInside (const nub::position2d< i32 > &point) const |
| Returns true if a point is within this element.
virtual void | addChild (IGUIElement *child) |
| Adds a GUI element as new child of this element.
virtual void | removeChild (IGUIElement *child) |
| Removes a child.
virtual void | remove () |
| Removes this element from its parent.
virtual void | draw () |
| Draws the element and its children.
virtual void | OnPostRender (u32 timeMs) |
| animate the element and its children.
virtual void | move (nub::position2d< i32 > absoluteMovement) |
| Moves this element.
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
| Returns true if element is visible.
virtual bool | isTrulyVisible () const |
| Check whether the element is truly visible, taking into accounts its parents' visibility.
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
| Sets the visible state of this element.
virtual bool | isSubElement () const |
| Returns true if this element was created as part of its parent control.
virtual void | setSubElement (bool subElement) |
| Sets whether this control was created as part of its parent.
void | setTabStop (bool enable) |
| If set to true, the focus will visit this element when using the tab key to cycle through elements.
bool | isTabStop () const |
| Returns true if this element can be focused by navigating with the tab key.
void | setTabOrder (i32 index) |
| Sets the priority of focus when using the tab key to navigate between a group of elements.
i32 | getTabOrder () const |
| Returns the number in the tab order sequence.
void | setTabGroup (bool isGroup) |
| Sets whether this element is a container for a group of elements which can be navigated using the tab key.
bool | isTabGroup () const |
| Returns true if this element is a tab group.
IGUIElement * | getTabGroup () |
| Returns the container element which holds all elements in this element's tab group.
virtual bool | isEnabled () const |
| Returns true if element is enabled.
virtual void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets the enabled state of this element.
virtual void | setText (const wchar_t *text) |
| Sets the new caption of this element.
virtual const wchar_t * | getText () const |
| Returns caption of this element.
virtual void | setToolTipText (const wchar_t *text) |
| Sets the new caption of this element.
virtual const nub::wstring & | getToolTipText () const |
| Returns caption of this element.
virtual i32 | getID () const |
| Returns id. Can be used to identify the element.
virtual void | setID (i32 id) |
| Sets the id of this element.
virtual bool | OnEvent (const SEvent &event) override |
| Called if an event happened.
virtual bool | bringToFront (IGUIElement *element) |
| Brings a child to front.
virtual bool | sendToBack (IGUIElement *child) |
| Moves a child to the back, so it's siblings are drawn on top of it.
virtual const nub::list< IGUIElement * > & | getChildren () const |
| Returns list with children of this element.
virtual IGUIElement * | getElementFromId (i32 id, bool searchchildren=false) const |
| Finds the first element with the given id.
bool | isMyChild (IGUIElement *child) const |
bool | getNextElement (i32 startOrder, bool reverse, bool group, IGUIElement *&first, IGUIElement *&closest, bool includeInvisible=false, bool includeDisabled=false) const |
| searches elements to find the closest next element to tab to
EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE | getType () const |
| Returns the type of the gui element.
virtual bool | hasType (EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const |
| Returns true if the gui element supports the given type.
virtual const c8 * | getTypeName () const |
| Returns the type name of the gui element.
virtual const c8 * | getName () const |
| Returns the name of the element.
virtual void | setName (const c8 *name) |
| Sets the name of the element.
virtual void | setName (const dcpp::nub::string &name) |
| Sets the name of the element.
virtual void | serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const override |
| Writes attributes of the scene node.
virtual void | deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) override |
| Reads attributes of the scene node.
| IReferenceCounted () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~IReferenceCounted () |
| Destructor.
void | grab () const |
| Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool | drop () const |
| Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
i32 | getReferenceCount () const |
| Get the reference count.
const c8 * | getDebugName () const |
| Returns the debug name of the object.
virtual | ~IEventReceiver () |
| Destructor.
Multi or single line text label.