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jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode Class Referenceabstract

Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh. More...

#include <jimcpp/core/engine/IAnimatedMeshSceneNode.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 IAnimatedMeshSceneNode (ISceneNode *parent, ISceneManager *mgr, s32 id, const core::vector3df &position=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &rotation=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &scale=core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
virtual ~IAnimatedMeshSceneNode ()
virtual void setCurrentFrame (f32 frame)=0
 Sets the current frame number.
virtual bool setFrameLoop (s32 begin, s32 end)=0
 Sets the frame numbers between the animation is looped.
virtual void setAnimationSpeed (f32 framesPerSecond)=0
 Sets the speed with which the animation is played.
virtual f32 getAnimationSpeed () const =0
 Gets the speed with which the animation is played.
virtual IShadowVolumeSceneNodeaddShadowVolumeSceneNode (const IMesh *shadowMesh=0, s32 id=-1, bool zfailmethod=true, f32 infinity=1000.0f)=0
virtual IBoneSceneNodegetJointNode (const c8 *jointName)=0
 Get a pointer to a joint in the mesh (if the mesh is a bone based mesh).
virtual IBoneSceneNodegetJointNode (u32 jointID)=0
 same as getJointNode(const c8* jointName), but based on id
virtual u32 getJointCount () const =0
 Gets joint count.
virtual bool setMD2Animation (EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE anim)=0
 Starts a default MD2 animation.
virtual bool setMD2Animation (const c8 *animationName)=0
 Starts a special MD2 animation.
virtual f32 getFrameNr () const =0
 Returns the currently displayed frame number.
virtual s32 getStartFrame () const =0
 Returns the current start frame number.
virtual s32 getEndFrame () const =0
 Returns the current end frame number.
virtual void setLoopMode (bool playAnimationLooped)=0
 Sets looping mode which is on by default.
virtual bool getLoopMode () const =0
 returns the current loop mode
virtual void setAnimationEndCallback (IAnimationEndCallBack *callback=0)=0
 Sets a callback interface which will be called if an animation playback has ended.
virtual void setReadOnlyMaterials (bool readonly)=0
 Sets if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style.
virtual bool isReadOnlyMaterials () const =0
 Returns if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style.
virtual void setMesh (IAnimatedMesh *mesh)=0
 Sets a new mesh.
virtual IAnimatedMeshgetMesh (void)=0
 Returns the current mesh.
virtual const SMD3QuaternionTaggetMD3TagTransformation (const core::string &tagname)=0
 Get the absolute transformation for a special MD3 Tag if the mesh is a md3 mesh, or the absolutetransformation if it's a normal scenenode.
virtual void setJointMode (E_JOINT_UPDATE_ON_RENDER mode)=0
 Set how the joints should be updated on render.
virtual void setTransitionTime (f32 Time)=0
 Sets the transition time in seconds.
virtual void animateJoints (bool CalculateAbsolutePositions=true)=0
 animates the joints in the mesh based on the current frame.
virtual void setRenderFromIdentity (bool On)=0
 render mesh ignoring its transformation.
virtual ISceneNodeclone (ISceneNode *newParent=0, ISceneManager *newManager=0)=0
 Creates a clone of this scene node and its children.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
 ISceneNode (ISceneNode *parent, ISceneManager *mgr, s32 id=-1, const core::vector3df &position=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &rotation=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &scale=core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
virtual ~ISceneNode ()
virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode ()
 This method is called just before the rendering process of the whole scene.
virtual void OnAnimate (u32 timeMs)
 OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene.
virtual void render ()=0
 Renders the node.
virtual const c8getName () const
 Returns the name of the node.
virtual void setName (const c8 *name)
 Sets the name of the node.
virtual void setName (const core::string &name)
 Sets the name of the node.
virtual const core::aabbox3d< f32 > & getBoundingBox () const =0
 Get the axis aligned, not transformed bounding box of this node.
virtual const core::aabbox3d< f32getTransformedBoundingBox () const
 Get the axis aligned, transformed and animated absolute bounding box of this node.
virtual void getTransformedBoundingBoxEdges (core::array< core::vector3d< f32 > > &edges) const
virtual const core::matrix4getAbsoluteTransformation () const
 Get the absolute transformation of the node. Is recalculated every OnAnimate()-call.
virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation () const
 Returns the relative transformation of the scene node.
virtual bool isVisible () const
 Returns whether the node should be visible (if all of its parents are visible).
virtual bool isTrulyVisible () const
 Check whether the node is truly visible, taking into accounts its parents' visibility.
virtual void setVisible (bool isVisible)
 Sets if the node should be visible or not.
virtual s32 getID () const
 Get the id of the scene node.
virtual void setID (s32 id)
 Sets the id of the scene node.
virtual void addChild (ISceneNode *child)
 Adds a child to this scene node.
virtual bool removeChild (ISceneNode *child)
 Removes a child from this scene node.
virtual void removeAll ()
 Removes all children of this scene node.
virtual void remove ()
 Removes this scene node from the scene.
virtual void addAnimator (ISceneNodeAnimator *animator)
 Adds an animator which should animate this node.
const core::list< ISceneNodeAnimator * > & getAnimators () const
 Get a list of all scene node animators.
virtual void removeAnimator (ISceneNodeAnimator *animator)
 Removes an animator from this scene node.
virtual void removeAnimators ()
 Removes all animators from this scene node.
virtual video::SMaterialgetMaterial (u32 num)
 Returns the material based on the zero based index i.
virtual u32 getMaterialCount () const
 Get amount of materials used by this scene node.
void setMaterialFlag (video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue)
 Sets all material flags at once to a new value.
void setMaterialTexture (u32 textureLayer, video::ITexture *texture)
 Sets the texture of the specified layer in all materials of this scene node to the new texture.
void setMaterialType (video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE newType)
 Sets the material type of all materials in this scene node to a new material type.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetScale () const
 Gets the scale of the scene node relative to its parent.
virtual void setScale (const core::vector3df &scale)
 Sets the relative scale of the scene node.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetRotation () const
 Gets the rotation of the node relative to its parent.
virtual void setRotation (const core::vector3df &rotation)
 Sets the rotation of the node relative to its parent.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetPosition () const
 Gets the position of the node relative to its parent.
virtual void setPosition (const core::vector3df &newpos)
 Sets the position of the node relative to its parent.
virtual core::vector3df getAbsolutePosition () const
 Gets the absolute position of the node in world coordinates.
void setAutomaticCulling (u32 state)
 Set a culling style or disable culling completely.
u32 getAutomaticCulling () const
 Gets the automatic culling state.
void setUpdateAbsolutePosBehavior (ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS behavior)
 Set how updateAbsolutePosition calculates the absolute transformation matrix.
ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS getUpdateAbsolutePosBehavior () const
 Get how updateAbsolutePosition calculates the absolute transformation matrix.
virtual void setDebugDataVisible (u32 state)
 Sets if debug data like bounding boxes should be drawn.
u32 isDebugDataVisible () const
 Returns if debug data like bounding boxes are drawn.
void setIsDebugObject (bool debugObject)
 Sets if this scene node is a debug object.
bool isDebugObject () const
 Returns if this scene node is a debug object.
const core::list< ISceneNode * > & getChildren () const
 Returns a const reference to the list of all children.
virtual void setParent (ISceneNode *newParent)
 Changes the parent of the scene node.
virtual ITriangleSelectorgetTriangleSelector () const
 Returns the triangle selector attached to this scene node.
virtual void setTriangleSelector (ITriangleSelector *selector)
 Sets the triangle selector of the scene node.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition ()
 Updates the absolute tranformation or position based on the relative and the parents transformation.
scene::ISceneNodegetParent () const
 Returns the parent of this scene node.
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType () const
 Returns type of the scene node.
virtual void serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const override
 Writes attributes of the scene node.
virtual void deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) override
 Reads attributes of the scene node.
virtual ISceneManagergetSceneManager (void) const
 Retrieve the scene manager for this node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
 IReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~IReferenceCounted ()
void grab () const
 Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool drop () const
 Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
s32 getReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count.
const c8getDebugName () const
 Returns the debug name of the object.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
void cloneMembers (ISceneNode *toCopyFrom, ISceneManager *newManager)
 A clone function for the ISceneNode members.
void setSceneManager (ISceneManager *newManager)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
void setDebugName (const c8 *newName)
 Sets the debug name of the object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
core::string Name
 Name of the scene node.
core::matrix4 AbsoluteTransformation
 Absolute transformation of the node.
core::vector3df RelativeTranslation
 Relative translation of the scene node.
core::vector3df RelativeRotation
 Relative rotation of the scene node.
core::vector3df RelativeScale
 Relative scale of the scene node.
 Pointer to the parent.
core::list< ISceneNode * > Children
 List of all children of this node.
core::list< ISceneNodeAnimator * > Animators
 List of all animator nodes.
 Pointer to the scene manager.
 Pointer to the triangle selector.
s32 ID
 ID of the node.
ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS UpdateAbsolutePosBehavior
 How updateAbsolutePosition calculates AbsoluteTransformation.
u32 AutomaticCullingState
 Automatic culling state.
u32 DebugDataVisible
 Flag if debug data should be drawn, such as Bounding Boxes.
bool IsVisible
 Is the node visible?
bool IsDebugObject
 Is debug object?

Detailed Description

Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addShadowVolumeSceneNode()

virtual IShadowVolumeSceneNode * jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::addShadowVolumeSceneNode ( const IMesh shadowMesh = 0,
s32  id = -1,
bool  zfailmethod = true,
f32  infinity = 1000.0f 
pure virtual

The shadow can be rendered using the ZPass or the zfail method. ZPass is a little bit faster because the shadow volume creation is easier, but with this method there occur ugly looking artifacts when the camera is inside the shadow volume. These error do not occur with the ZFail method, but it can have trouble with clipping to the far-plane (it usually works well in OpenGL and fails with other drivers).

shadowMeshOptional custom mesh for shadow volume.
idId of the shadow scene node. This id can be used to identify the node later.
zfailmethodIf set to true, the shadow will use the zfail method, if not, zpass is used.
infinityValue used by the shadow volume algorithm to scale the shadow volume. For zfail shadow volumes on some drivers only suppport finite shadows, so camera zfar must be larger than shadow back cap,which is depending on the infinity parameter). Infinity value also scales by the scaling factors of the model. If shadows don't show up with zfail then try reducing infinity. If shadows are cut-off then try increasing infinity.
Pointer to the created shadow scene node. This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.

◆ animateJoints()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::animateJoints ( bool  CalculateAbsolutePositions = true)
pure virtual

animates the joints in the mesh based on the current frame.

Also takes in to account transitions.

◆ clone()

virtual ISceneNode * jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::clone ( ISceneNode newParent = 0,
ISceneManager newManager = 0 
pure virtual

Creates a clone of this scene node and its children.

newParentAn optional new parent.
newManagerAn optional new scene manager.
The newly created clone of this node.

Reimplemented from jpp::scene::ISceneNode.

◆ getAnimationSpeed()

virtual f32 jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getAnimationSpeed ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the speed with which the animation is played.

Frames per second played.

◆ getJointCount()

virtual u32 jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getJointCount ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets joint count.

Amount of joints in the mesh.

◆ getJointNode()

virtual IBoneSceneNode * jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getJointNode ( const c8 jointName)
pure virtual

Get a pointer to a joint in the mesh (if the mesh is a bone based mesh).

With this method it is possible to attach scene nodes to joints for example possible to attach a weapon to the left hand of an animated model. This example shows how:

ISceneNode* hand =
Scene node interface.
Definition ISceneNode.hpp:43
virtual void addChild(ISceneNode *child)
Adds a child to this scene node.
Definition ISceneNode.hpp:298

Please note that the joint returned by this method may not exist before this call and the joints in the node were created by it.

jointNameName of the joint.
Pointer to the scene node which represents the joint with the specified name. Returns 0 if the contained mesh is not an skinned mesh or the name of the joint could not be found.

◆ getLoopMode()

virtual bool jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getLoopMode ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the current loop mode

When true the animations are played looped

◆ setAnimationEndCallback()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationEndCallback ( IAnimationEndCallBack callback = 0)
pure virtual

Sets a callback interface which will be called if an animation playback has ended.

Set this to 0 to disable the callback again. Please note that this will only be called when in non looped mode, see IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setLoopMode().

◆ setAnimationSpeed()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationSpeed ( f32  framesPerSecond)
pure virtual

Sets the speed with which the animation is played.

framesPerSecondFrames per second played.

◆ setCurrentFrame()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setCurrentFrame ( f32  frame)
pure virtual

Sets the current frame number.

From now on the animation is played from this frame.

frameNumber of the frame to let the animation be started from. The frame number must be a valid frame number of the IMesh used by this scene node. Set IAnimatedMesh::getMesh() for details.

◆ setFrameLoop()

virtual bool jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setFrameLoop ( s32  begin,
s32  end 
pure virtual

Sets the frame numbers between the animation is looped.

The default is 0 to getFrameCount()-1 of the mesh. Number of played frames is end-start. It interpolates toward the last frame but stops when it is reached. It does not interpolate back to start even when looping. Looping animations should ensure last and first frame-key are identical.

beginStart frame number of the loop.
endEnd frame number of the loop.
True if successful, false if not.

◆ setLoopMode()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setLoopMode ( bool  playAnimationLooped)
pure virtual

Sets looping mode which is on by default.

If set to false, animations will not be played looped.

◆ setMD2Animation() [1/2]

virtual bool jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation ( const c8 animationName)
pure virtual

Starts a special MD2 animation.

With this method it is easily possible to start a Run, Attack, Die or whatever animation, if the mesh contained in this scene node is an md2 mesh. Otherwise, nothing happens. This method uses a character string to identify the animation. If the animation is a standard md2 animation, you might want to start this animation with the EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE enumeration instead.

animationNameName of the animation which should be played.
Returns true if successful, and false if not, for example if the mesh in the scene node is not an md2 mesh, or no animation with this name could be found.

◆ setMD2Animation() [2/2]

virtual bool jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation ( EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE  anim)
pure virtual

Starts a default MD2 animation.

With this method it is easily possible to start a Run, Attack, Die or whatever animation, if the mesh contained in this scene node is an md2 mesh. Otherwise, nothing happens.

animAn MD2 animation type, which should be played, for example EMAT_STAND for the standing animation.
True if successful, and false if not, for example if the mesh in the scene node is not a md2 mesh.

◆ setReadOnlyMaterials()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setReadOnlyMaterials ( bool  readonly)
pure virtual

Sets if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style.

In this way it is possible to change the materials a mesh causing all mesh scene nodes referencing this mesh to change too.

◆ setRenderFromIdentity()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setRenderFromIdentity ( bool  On)
pure virtual

render mesh ignoring its transformation.

Culling is unaffected.

◆ setTransitionTime()

virtual void jpp::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setTransitionTime ( f32  Time)
pure virtual

Sets the transition time in seconds.

Note: This needs to enable joints, and setJointmode set to EJUOR_CONTROL. You must call animateJoints(), or the mesh will not animate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Jimcpp    @cppfx.xyz