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jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse Class Referenceabstract

Special scene node animator for doing automatic collision detection and response. More...

#include <jimcpp/core/engine/ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse ()
virtual bool isFalling () const =0
 Check if the attached scene node is falling.
virtual void setEllipsoidRadius (const core::vector3df &radius)=0
 Sets the radius of the ellipsoid for collision detection and response.
virtual core::vector3df getEllipsoidRadius () const =0
 Returns the radius of the ellipsoid for collision detection and response.
virtual void setGravity (const core::vector3df &gravity)=0
 Sets the gravity of the environment.
virtual core::vector3df getGravity () const =0
virtual void jump (f32 jumpSpeed)=0
 'Jump' the animator, by adding a jump speed opposite to its gravity
virtual void setAnimateTarget (bool enable)=0
 Should the Target react on collision ( default = true )
virtual bool getAnimateTarget () const =0
virtual void setEllipsoidTranslation (const core::vector3df &translation)=0
 Set translation of the collision ellipsoid.
virtual core::vector3df getEllipsoidTranslation () const =0
 Get the translation of the ellipsoid for collision detection.
virtual void setWorld (ITriangleSelector *newWorld)=0
 Sets a triangle selector holding all triangles of the world with which the scene node may collide.
virtual ITriangleSelectorgetWorld () const =0
 Get the current triangle selector containing all triangles for collision detection.
virtual void setTargetNode (ISceneNode *node)=0
 Set the single node that this animator will act on.
virtual ISceneNodegetTargetNode (void) const =0
 Gets the single node that this animator is acting on.
virtual bool collisionOccurred () const =0
 Returns true if a collision occurred during the last animateNode()
virtual const core::vector3dfgetCollisionPoint () const =0
 Returns the last point of collision.
virtual const core::triangle3dfgetCollisionTriangle () const =0
 Returns the last triangle that caused a collision.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetCollisionResultPosition (void) const =0
 Returns the position that the target node will be moved to, unless the collision is consumed in a callback.
virtual ISceneNodegetCollisionNode (void) const =0
 Returns the node that was collided with.
virtual void setCollisionCallback (ICollisionCallback *callback)=0
 Sets a callback interface which will be called if a collision occurs.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator
virtual void animateNode (ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)=0
 Animates a scene node.
virtual ISceneNodeAnimatorcreateClone (ISceneNode *node, ISceneManager *newManager=0)=0
 Creates a clone of this animator.
virtual bool isEventReceiverEnabled () const
 Returns true if this animator receives events.
virtual bool OnEvent (const SEvent &event) override
 Event receiver, override this function for camera controlling animators.
virtual ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE getType () const
 Returns type of the scene node animator.
virtual bool hasFinished (void) const
 Returns if the animator has finished.
virtual void setStartTime (u32 time, bool resetPauseTime=true)
 Reset a time-based movement by changing the starttime.
virtual jpp::u32 getStartTime () const
 Get the starttime.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled, u32 timeNow=0)
 Sets the enabled state of this element.
virtual bool isEnabled () const
virtual void serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const override
 Writes attributes of the scene node animator.
virtual void deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) override
 Reads attributes of the scene node animator.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
 IReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~IReferenceCounted ()
void grab () const
 Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool drop () const
 Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
s32 getReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count.
const c8getDebugName () const
 Returns the debug name of the object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::IEventReceiver
virtual ~IEventReceiver ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator
void cloneMembers (const ISceneNodeAnimator *toCopyFrom)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
void setDebugName (const c8 *newName)
 Sets the debug name of the object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator
bool IsEnabled
u32 PauseTimeSum
 Only enabled animators are updated.
u32 PauseTimeStart
 Sum up time which the animator was disabled.
u32 StartTime
 Last time setEnabled(false) was called with a timer > 0.

Detailed Description

Special scene node animator for doing automatic collision detection and response.

This scene node animator can be attached to any single scene node and will then prevent it from moving through specified collision geometry (e.g. walls and floors of the) world, as well as having it fall under gravity. This animator provides a simple implementation of first person shooter cameras. Attach it to a camera, and the camera will behave as the player control in a first person shooter game: The camera stops and slides at walls, walks up stairs, falls down if there is no floor under it, and so on.

The animator will treat any change in the position of its target scene node as movement, including a setPosition(), as movement. If you want to teleport the target scene node manually to a location without it being effected by collision geometry, then call setTargetNode(node) after calling node->setPosition().

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCollisionResultPosition()

virtual const core::vector3df & jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getCollisionResultPosition ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Returns the position that the target node will be moved to, unless the collision is consumed in a callback.

If you have a collision callback registered, and it consumes the collision, then the node will ignore the collision and will not stop at this position. Instead, it will move fully to the position that caused the collision to occur.

◆ getEllipsoidRadius()

virtual core::vector3df jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getEllipsoidRadius ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the radius of the ellipsoid for collision detection and response.

Radius of the ellipsoid.

◆ getEllipsoidTranslation()

virtual core::vector3df jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getEllipsoidTranslation ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the translation of the ellipsoid for collision detection.

See ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setEllipsoidTranslation() for more details.

Translation of the ellipsoid relative to the position of the scene node.

◆ getGravity()

virtual core::vector3df jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getGravity ( ) const
pure virtual

Get current vector of gravity.

Gravity vector. *‍/

◆ getTargetNode()

virtual ISceneNode * jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getTargetNode ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Gets the single node that this animator is acting on.

The node that this animator is acting on.

◆ isFalling()

virtual bool jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::isFalling ( ) const
pure virtual

Check if the attached scene node is falling.

Falling means that there is no blocking wall from the scene node in the direction of the gravity. The implementation of this method is very fast, no collision detection is done when invoking it.

True if the scene node is falling, false if not.

◆ jump()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::jump ( f32  jumpSpeed)
pure virtual

'Jump' the animator, by adding a jump speed opposite to its gravity

jumpSpeedThe initial speed of the jump; the velocity will be opposite to this animator's gravity vector.

◆ setCollisionCallback()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setCollisionCallback ( ICollisionCallback callback)
pure virtual

Sets a callback interface which will be called if a collision occurs.

callbackcollision callback handler that will be called when a collision occurs. Set this to 0 to disable the callback.

◆ setEllipsoidRadius()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setEllipsoidRadius ( const core::vector3df radius)
pure virtual

Sets the radius of the ellipsoid for collision detection and response.

If you have a scene node, and you are unsure about how big the radius should be, you could use the following code to determine it:

core::aabbox<f32> box = yourSceneNode->getBoundingBox();
core::vector3df radius = box.MaxEdge - box.getCenter();
Axis aligned bounding box in 3d dimensional space.
Definition aabbox3d.hpp:22
vector3d< T > getCenter() const
Get center of the bounding box.
Definition aabbox3d.hpp:106
vector3d< T > MaxEdge
The far edge.
Definition aabbox3d.hpp:357
radiusNew radius of the ellipsoid.

◆ setEllipsoidTranslation()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setEllipsoidTranslation ( const core::vector3df translation)
pure virtual

Set translation of the collision ellipsoid.

By default, the ellipsoid for collision detection is created around the center of the scene node, which means that the ellipsoid surrounds it completely. If this is not what you want, you may specify a translation for the ellipsoid.

translationTranslation of the ellipsoid relative to the position of the scene node.

◆ setGravity()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity ( const core::vector3df gravity)
pure virtual

Sets the gravity of the environment.

A good example value would be core::vector3df(0,-100.0f,0) for letting gravity affect all object to fall down. For bigger gravity, make increase the length of the vector. You can disable gravity by setting it to core::vector3df(0,0,0);

gravityNew gravity vector.

◆ setTargetNode()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setTargetNode ( ISceneNode node)
pure virtual

Set the single node that this animator will act on.

nodeThe new target node. Setting this will force the animator to update its last target position for the node, allowing setPosition() to teleport the node through collision geometry.

◆ setWorld()

virtual void jpp::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setWorld ( ITriangleSelector newWorld)
pure virtual

Sets a triangle selector holding all triangles of the world with which the scene node may collide.

newWorldNew triangle selector containing triangles to let the scene node collide with.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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