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jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode Class Referenceabstract

Scene Node which is a (controllable) camera. More...

#include <jimcpp/core/engine/ICameraSceneNode.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ICameraSceneNode (ISceneNode *parent, ISceneManager *mgr, s32 id, const core::vector3df &position=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &rotation=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &scale=core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
virtual void setProjectionMatrix (const core::matrix4 &projection, bool isOrthogonal=false)=0
 Sets the projection matrix of the camera.
virtual const core::matrix4getProjectionMatrix () const =0
 Gets the current projection matrix of the camera.
virtual const core::matrix4getViewMatrix () const =0
 Gets the current view matrix of the camera.
virtual void setViewMatrixAffector (const core::matrix4 &affector)=0
 Sets a custom view matrix affector.
virtual const core::matrix4getViewMatrixAffector () const =0
 Get the custom view matrix affector.
virtual bool OnEvent (const SEvent &event) override=0
 It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera.
virtual void setTarget (const core::vector3df &pos)=0
 Sets the look at target of the camera.
virtual void setRotation (const core::vector3df &rotation) override=0
 Sets the rotation of the node.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetTarget () const =0
 Gets the current look at target of the camera.
virtual void setUpVector (const core::vector3df &pos)=0
 Sets the up vector of the camera.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetUpVector () const =0
 Gets the up vector of the camera.
virtual f32 getNearValue () const =0
 Gets the value of the near plane of the camera.
virtual f32 getFarValue () const =0
 Gets the value of the far plane of the camera.
virtual f32 getAspectRatio () const =0
 Gets the aspect ratio of the camera.
virtual f32 getFOV () const =0
 Gets the field of view of the camera.
virtual void setNearValue (f32 zn)=0
 Sets the value of the near clipping plane. (default: 1.0f)
virtual void setFarValue (f32 zf)=0
 Sets the value of the far clipping plane (default: 2000.0f)
virtual void setAspectRatio (f32 aspect)=0
 Sets the aspect ratio (default: 4.0f / 3.0f)
virtual void setFOV (f32 fovy)=0
 Sets the field of view (Default: PI / 2.5f)
virtual const SViewFrustumgetViewFrustum () const =0
 Get the view frustum.
virtual void setInputReceiverEnabled (bool enabled)=0
 Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.
virtual bool isInputReceiverEnabled () const =0
 Checks if the input receiver of the camera is currently enabled.
virtual bool isOrthogonal () const
 Checks if a camera is orthogonal.
virtual void bindTargetAndRotation (bool bound)=0
 Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice versa, or unbinds them.
virtual void updateMatrices ()=0
 Updates the view matrix and frustum without uploading the matrix to the driver.
virtual bool getTargetAndRotationBinding (void) const =0
 Queries if the camera scene node's rotation and its target position are bound together.
virtual void serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const override
 Writes attributes of the camera node.
virtual void deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) override
 Reads attributes of the camera node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
 ISceneNode (ISceneNode *parent, ISceneManager *mgr, s32 id=-1, const core::vector3df &position=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &rotation=core::vector3df(0, 0, 0), const core::vector3df &scale=core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
virtual ~ISceneNode ()
virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode ()
 This method is called just before the rendering process of the whole scene.
virtual void OnAnimate (u32 timeMs)
 OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene.
virtual void render ()=0
 Renders the node.
virtual const c8getName () const
 Returns the name of the node.
virtual void setName (const c8 *name)
 Sets the name of the node.
virtual void setName (const core::string &name)
 Sets the name of the node.
virtual const core::aabbox3d< f32 > & getBoundingBox () const =0
 Get the axis aligned, not transformed bounding box of this node.
virtual const core::aabbox3d< f32getTransformedBoundingBox () const
 Get the axis aligned, transformed and animated absolute bounding box of this node.
virtual void getTransformedBoundingBoxEdges (core::array< core::vector3d< f32 > > &edges) const
virtual const core::matrix4getAbsoluteTransformation () const
 Get the absolute transformation of the node. Is recalculated every OnAnimate()-call.
virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation () const
 Returns the relative transformation of the scene node.
virtual bool isVisible () const
 Returns whether the node should be visible (if all of its parents are visible).
virtual bool isTrulyVisible () const
 Check whether the node is truly visible, taking into accounts its parents' visibility.
virtual void setVisible (bool isVisible)
 Sets if the node should be visible or not.
virtual s32 getID () const
 Get the id of the scene node.
virtual void setID (s32 id)
 Sets the id of the scene node.
virtual void addChild (ISceneNode *child)
 Adds a child to this scene node.
virtual bool removeChild (ISceneNode *child)
 Removes a child from this scene node.
virtual void removeAll ()
 Removes all children of this scene node.
virtual void remove ()
 Removes this scene node from the scene.
virtual void addAnimator (ISceneNodeAnimator *animator)
 Adds an animator which should animate this node.
const core::list< ISceneNodeAnimator * > & getAnimators () const
 Get a list of all scene node animators.
virtual void removeAnimator (ISceneNodeAnimator *animator)
 Removes an animator from this scene node.
virtual void removeAnimators ()
 Removes all animators from this scene node.
virtual video::SMaterialgetMaterial (u32 num)
 Returns the material based on the zero based index i.
virtual u32 getMaterialCount () const
 Get amount of materials used by this scene node.
void setMaterialFlag (video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue)
 Sets all material flags at once to a new value.
void setMaterialTexture (u32 textureLayer, video::ITexture *texture)
 Sets the texture of the specified layer in all materials of this scene node to the new texture.
void setMaterialType (video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE newType)
 Sets the material type of all materials in this scene node to a new material type.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetScale () const
 Gets the scale of the scene node relative to its parent.
virtual void setScale (const core::vector3df &scale)
 Sets the relative scale of the scene node.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetRotation () const
 Gets the rotation of the node relative to its parent.
virtual const core::vector3dfgetPosition () const
 Gets the position of the node relative to its parent.
virtual void setPosition (const core::vector3df &newpos)
 Sets the position of the node relative to its parent.
virtual core::vector3df getAbsolutePosition () const
 Gets the absolute position of the node in world coordinates.
void setAutomaticCulling (u32 state)
 Set a culling style or disable culling completely.
u32 getAutomaticCulling () const
 Gets the automatic culling state.
void setUpdateAbsolutePosBehavior (ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS behavior)
 Set how updateAbsolutePosition calculates the absolute transformation matrix.
ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS getUpdateAbsolutePosBehavior () const
 Get how updateAbsolutePosition calculates the absolute transformation matrix.
virtual void setDebugDataVisible (u32 state)
 Sets if debug data like bounding boxes should be drawn.
u32 isDebugDataVisible () const
 Returns if debug data like bounding boxes are drawn.
void setIsDebugObject (bool debugObject)
 Sets if this scene node is a debug object.
bool isDebugObject () const
 Returns if this scene node is a debug object.
const core::list< ISceneNode * > & getChildren () const
 Returns a const reference to the list of all children.
virtual void setParent (ISceneNode *newParent)
 Changes the parent of the scene node.
virtual ITriangleSelectorgetTriangleSelector () const
 Returns the triangle selector attached to this scene node.
virtual void setTriangleSelector (ITriangleSelector *selector)
 Sets the triangle selector of the scene node.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition ()
 Updates the absolute tranformation or position based on the relative and the parents transformation.
scene::ISceneNodegetParent () const
 Returns the parent of this scene node.
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType () const
 Returns type of the scene node.
virtual ISceneNodeclone (ISceneNode *newParent=0, ISceneManager *newManager=0)
 Creates a clone of this scene node and its children.
virtual ISceneManagergetSceneManager (void) const
 Retrieve the scene manager for this node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
 IReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~IReferenceCounted ()
void grab () const
 Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool drop () const
 Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
s32 getReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count.
const c8getDebugName () const
 Returns the debug name of the object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jpp::IEventReceiver
virtual ~IEventReceiver ()

Protected Member Functions

void cloneMembers (const ICameraSceneNode *toCopyFrom)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
void cloneMembers (ISceneNode *toCopyFrom, ISceneManager *newManager)
 A clone function for the ISceneNode members.
void setSceneManager (ISceneManager *newManager)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from jpp::IReferenceCounted
void setDebugName (const c8 *newName)
 Sets the debug name of the object.

Protected Attributes

bool IsOrthogonal
- Protected Attributes inherited from jpp::scene::ISceneNode
core::string Name
 Name of the scene node.
core::matrix4 AbsoluteTransformation
 Absolute transformation of the node.
core::vector3df RelativeTranslation
 Relative translation of the scene node.
core::vector3df RelativeRotation
 Relative rotation of the scene node.
core::vector3df RelativeScale
 Relative scale of the scene node.
 Pointer to the parent.
core::list< ISceneNode * > Children
 List of all children of this node.
core::list< ISceneNodeAnimator * > Animators
 List of all animator nodes.
 Pointer to the scene manager.
 Pointer to the triangle selector.
s32 ID
 ID of the node.
ESCENE_NODE_UPDATE_ABS UpdateAbsolutePosBehavior
 How updateAbsolutePosition calculates AbsoluteTransformation.
u32 AutomaticCullingState
 Automatic culling state.
u32 DebugDataVisible
 Flag if debug data should be drawn, such as Bounding Boxes.
bool IsVisible
 Is the node visible?
bool IsDebugObject
 Is debug object?

Detailed Description

Scene Node which is a (controllable) camera.

The whole scene will be rendered from the cameras point of view. Because the ICameraSceneNode is a SceneNode, it can be attached to any other scene node, and will follow its parents movement, rotation and so on.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bindTargetAndRotation()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::bindTargetAndRotation ( bool  bound)
pure virtual

Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice versa, or unbinds them.

When bound, calling setRotation() will update the camera's target position to be along its +Z axis, and likewise calling setTarget() will update its rotation so that its +Z axis will point at the target point. FPS camera use this binding by default; other cameras do not.

boundTrue to bind the camera's scene node rotation and targeting, false to unbind them.
See also

◆ deserializeAttributes()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::deserializeAttributes ( io::IAttributes in,
io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions options = 0 

Reads attributes of the camera node.

Reimplemented from jpp::scene::ISceneNode.

◆ getAspectRatio()

virtual f32 jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getAspectRatio ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the aspect ratio of the camera.

The aspect ratio of the camera.

◆ getFarValue()

virtual f32 jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getFarValue ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the value of the far plane of the camera.

The value of the far plane of the camera.

◆ getFOV()

virtual f32 jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getFOV ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the field of view of the camera.

The field of view of the camera in radians.

◆ getNearValue()

virtual f32 jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getNearValue ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the value of the near plane of the camera.

The value of the near plane of the camera.

◆ getProjectionMatrix()

virtual const core::matrix4 & jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getProjectionMatrix ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the current projection matrix of the camera.

The current projection matrix of the camera.

◆ getTarget()

virtual const core::vector3df & jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getTarget ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the current look at target of the camera.

The current look at target of the camera, in world co-ordinates

◆ getTargetAndRotationBinding()

virtual bool jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getTargetAndRotationBinding ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Queries if the camera scene node's rotation and its target position are bound together.

See also

◆ getUpVector()

virtual const core::vector3df & jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getUpVector ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the up vector of the camera.

The up vector of the camera, in world space.

◆ getViewFrustum()

virtual const SViewFrustum * jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getViewFrustum ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the view frustum.

The current view frustum.

◆ getViewMatrix()

virtual const core::matrix4 & jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getViewMatrix ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the current view matrix of the camera.

The current view matrix of the camera.

◆ getViewMatrixAffector()

virtual const core::matrix4 & jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::getViewMatrixAffector ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the custom view matrix affector.

The affector matrix.

◆ OnEvent()

virtual bool jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::OnEvent ( const SEvent event)
overridepure virtual

It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera.

Most cameras may ignore this input, but camera scene nodes which are created for example with ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeMaya or ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS, may want to get this input for changing their position, look at target or whatever.

Implements jpp::IEventReceiver.

◆ serializeAttributes()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::serializeAttributes ( io::IAttributes out,
io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions options = 0 
) const

Writes attributes of the camera node.

Reimplemented from jpp::scene::ISceneNode.

◆ setAspectRatio()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setAspectRatio ( f32  aspect)
pure virtual

Sets the aspect ratio (default: 4.0f / 3.0f)

Also changes projection matrix and resets IsOrthogonal flag.

aspectNew aspect ratio.

◆ setFarValue()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setFarValue ( f32  zf)
pure virtual

Sets the value of the far clipping plane (default: 2000.0f)

Also changes projection matrix and resets IsOrthogonal flag.

zfNew z far value.

◆ setFOV()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setFOV ( f32  fovy)
pure virtual

Sets the field of view (Default: PI / 2.5f)

Also changes projection matrix and resets IsOrthogonal flag.

fovyNew field of view in radians.

◆ setInputReceiverEnabled()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setInputReceiverEnabled ( bool  enabled)
pure virtual

Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.

If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key inputs otherwise not.

◆ setNearValue()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setNearValue ( f32  zn)
pure virtual

Sets the value of the near clipping plane. (default: 1.0f)

Also changes projection matrix and resets IsOrthogonal flag.

znNew z near value.

◆ setProjectionMatrix()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setProjectionMatrix ( const core::matrix4 projection,
bool  isOrthogonal = false 
pure virtual

Sets the projection matrix of the camera.

The core::matrix4 class has some methods to build a projection matrix. e.g: core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH. Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until one of the following Methods are called: setNearValue, setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV. NOTE: The frustum is not updated before render() is called unless you explicitly call updateMatrices()

projectionThe new projection matrix of the camera.
isOrthogonalSet this to true if the matrix is an orthogonal one (e.g. from matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixOrtho).

◆ setRotation()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setRotation ( const core::vector3df rotation)
overridepure virtual

Sets the rotation of the node.

This only modifies the relative rotation of the node. If the camera's target and rotation are bound (

See also
bindTargetAndRotation() ) then calling this will also change the camera's target to match the rotation.
rotationNew rotation of the node in degrees.

Reimplemented from jpp::scene::ISceneNode.

◆ setTarget()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setTarget ( const core::vector3df pos)
pure virtual

Sets the look at target of the camera.

If the camera's target and rotation are bound (

See also
bindTargetAndRotation() ) then calling this will also change the camera's scene node rotation to match the target. Note that setTarget uses the current absolute position internally, so if you changed setPosition since last rendering you must call updateAbsolutePosition before using this function.
posLook at target of the camera, in world co-ordinates.

◆ setUpVector()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setUpVector ( const core::vector3df pos)
pure virtual

Sets the up vector of the camera.

posNew upvector of the camera.

◆ setViewMatrixAffector()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::setViewMatrixAffector ( const core::matrix4 affector)
pure virtual

Sets a custom view matrix affector.

The matrix passed here, will be multiplied with the view matrix when it gets updated. This allows for custom camera setups like, for example, a reflection camera.

affectorThe affector matrix.

◆ updateMatrices()

virtual void jpp::scene::ICameraSceneNode::updateMatrices ( )
pure virtual

Updates the view matrix and frustum without uploading the matrix to the driver.

You need this when you want an up-to-date camera view matrix & frustum before the render() call. Usually you should call updateAbsolutePosition() before calling this. Despite it's function name, the projection matrix is not touched.

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