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Duckcpp 2.1.0
Duckcpp is a high-performance c++ graphics engine.
Interface to driver which is able to perform 2d and 3d graphics functions. More...
#include <duckcpp/core/engine/IVideoDriver.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual bool | beginScene (u16 clearFlag=(u16)(ECBF_COLOR|ECBF_DEPTH), SColor clearColor=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), f32 clearDepth=1.f, u8 clearStencil=0, const SExposedVideoData &videoData=SExposedVideoData(), nub::rect< i32 > *sourceRect=0)=0 |
Applications must call this method before performing any rendering. | |
bool | beginScene (bool backBuffer, bool zBuffer, SColor color=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), const SExposedVideoData &videoData=SExposedVideoData(), nub::rect< i32 > *sourceRect=0) |
Alternative beginScene implementation. Can't clear stencil buffer, but otherwise identical to other beginScene. | |
virtual bool | endScene ()=0 |
Presents the rendered image to the screen. | |
virtual bool | queryFeature (E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature) const =0 |
Queries the features of the driver. | |
virtual void | disableFeature (E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature, bool flag=true)=0 |
Disable a feature of the driver. | |
virtual const io::IAttributes & | getDriverAttributes () const =0 |
Get attributes of the actual video driver. | |
virtual bool | checkDriverReset ()=0 |
Check if the driver was recently reset. | |
virtual void | setTransform (E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state, const nub::matrix4 &mat)=0 |
Sets transformation matrices. | |
virtual const nub::matrix4 & | getTransform (E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state) const =0 |
Returns the transformation set by setTransform. | |
virtual u32 | getImageLoaderCount () const =0 |
Retrieve the number of image loaders. | |
virtual IImageLoader * | getImageLoader (u32 n)=0 |
Retrieve the given image loader. | |
virtual u32 | getImageWriterCount () const =0 |
Retrieve the number of image writers. | |
virtual IImageWriter * | getImageWriter (u32 n)=0 |
Retrieve the given image writer. | |
virtual void | setMaterial (const SMaterial &material)=0 |
Sets a material. | |
virtual ITexture * | getTexture (const io::path &filename)=0 |
Get access to a named texture. | |
virtual ITexture * | getTexture (io::IReadFile *file)=0 |
Get access to a named texture. | |
virtual ITexture * | getTextureByIndex (u32 index)=0 |
Returns a texture by index. | |
virtual u32 | getTextureCount () const =0 |
Returns amount of textures currently loaded. | |
virtual void | renameTexture (ITexture *texture, const io::path &newName)=0 |
Renames a texture. | |
virtual ITexture * | addTexture (const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size, const io::path &name, ECOLOR_FORMAT format=ECF_A8R8G8B8)=0 |
Creates an empty texture of specified size. | |
DCPP_DEPRECATED ITexture * | addTexture (const io::path &name, IImage *image, void *mipmapData) |
Creates a texture from an IImage. | |
virtual ITexture * | addTexture (const io::path &name, IImage *image)=0 |
Creates a texture from an IImage. | |
virtual ITexture * | addTextureCubemap (const io::path &name, IImage *imagePosX, IImage *imageNegX, IImage *imagePosY, IImage *imageNegY, IImage *imagePosZ, IImage *imageNegZ)=0 |
Creates a cubemap texture from loaded IImages. | |
virtual ITexture * | addTextureCubemap (const dcpp::u32 sideLen, const io::path &name, ECOLOR_FORMAT format=ECF_A8R8G8B8)=0 |
Creates an empty cubemap texture of specified size. | |
virtual ITexture * | addRenderTargetTexture (const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size, const io::path &name="rt", const ECOLOR_FORMAT format=ECF_UNKNOWN)=0 |
Adds a new render target texture to the texture cache. | |
virtual ITexture * | addRenderTargetTextureCubemap (const dcpp::u32 sideLen, const io::path &name="rt", const ECOLOR_FORMAT format=ECF_UNKNOWN)=0 |
Adds a new render target texture with 6 sides for a cubemap map to the texture cache. | |
virtual void | removeTexture (ITexture *texture)=0 |
Removes a texture from the texture cache and deletes it. | |
virtual void | removeAllTextures ()=0 |
Removes all textures from the texture cache and deletes them. | |
virtual void | removeHardwareBuffer (const scene::IMeshBuffer *mb)=0 |
Remove hardware buffer. | |
virtual void | removeAllHardwareBuffers ()=0 |
Remove all hardware buffers. | |
virtual void | addOcclusionQuery (scene::ISceneNode *node, const scene::IMesh *mesh=0)=0 |
Create occlusion query. | |
virtual void | removeOcclusionQuery (scene::ISceneNode *node)=0 |
Remove occlusion query. | |
virtual void | removeAllOcclusionQueries ()=0 |
Remove all occlusion queries. | |
virtual void | runOcclusionQuery (scene::ISceneNode *node, bool visible=false)=0 |
Run occlusion query. Draws mesh stored in query. | |
virtual void | runAllOcclusionQueries (bool visible=false)=0 |
Run all occlusion queries. Draws all meshes stored in queries. | |
virtual void | updateOcclusionQuery (scene::ISceneNode *node, bool block=true)=0 |
Update occlusion query. Retrieves results from GPU. | |
virtual void | updateAllOcclusionQueries (bool block=true)=0 |
Update all occlusion queries. Retrieves results from GPU. | |
virtual u32 | getOcclusionQueryResult (const scene::ISceneNode *node) const =0 |
Return query result. | |
virtual IRenderTarget * | addRenderTarget ()=0 |
Create render target. | |
virtual void | removeRenderTarget (IRenderTarget *renderTarget)=0 |
Remove render target. | |
virtual void | removeAllRenderTargets ()=0 |
Remove all render targets. | |
virtual void | makeColorKeyTexture (video::ITexture *texture, video::SColor color, bool zeroTexels=false) const =0 |
Sets a boolean alpha channel on the texture based on a color key. | |
virtual void | makeColorKeyTexture (video::ITexture *texture, nub::position2d< i32 > colorKeyPixelPos, bool zeroTexels=false) const =0 |
Sets a boolean alpha channel on the texture based on the color at a position. | |
virtual void | makeNormalMapTexture (video::ITexture *texture, f32 amplitude=1.0f) const =0 |
Creates a normal map from a height map texture. | |
virtual bool | setRenderTargetEx (IRenderTarget *target, u16 clearFlag, SColor clearColor=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), f32 clearDepth=1.f, u8 clearStencil=0)=0 |
Set a render target. | |
virtual bool | setRenderTarget (ITexture *texture, u16 clearFlag=ECBF_COLOR|ECBF_DEPTH, SColor clearColor=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), f32 clearDepth=1.f, u8 clearStencil=0)=0 |
Sets a new render target. | |
bool | setRenderTarget (ITexture *texture, bool clearBackBuffer, bool clearZBuffer, SColor color=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)) |
virtual void | setViewPort (const nub::rect< i32 > &area)=0 |
Sets a new viewport. | |
virtual const nub::rect< i32 > & | getViewPort () const =0 |
Gets the area of the current viewport. | |
virtual void | drawVertexPrimitiveList (const void *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const void *indexList, u32 primCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType=EVT_STANDARD, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType=scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, E_INDEX_TYPE iType=EIT_16BIT)=0 |
Draws a vertex primitive list. | |
virtual void | draw2DVertexPrimitiveList (const void *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const void *indexList, u32 primCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType=EVT_STANDARD, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType=scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, E_INDEX_TYPE iType=EIT_16BIT)=0 |
Draws a vertex primitive list in 2d. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleList (const S3DVertex *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle list. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleList (const S3DVertex2TCoords *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle list. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleList (const S3DVertexTangents *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle list. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleFan (const S3DVertex *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle fan. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleFan (const S3DVertex2TCoords *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle fan. | |
void | drawIndexedTriangleFan (const S3DVertexTangents *vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16 *indexList, u32 triangleCount) |
Draws an indexed triangle fan. | |
virtual void | draw3DLine (const nub::vector3df &start, const nub::vector3df &end, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))=0 |
Draws a 3d line. | |
virtual void | draw3DTriangle (const nub::triangle3df &triangle, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))=0 |
Draws a 3d triangle. | |
virtual void | draw3DBox (const nub::aabbox3d< f32 > &box, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))=0 |
Draws a 3d axis aligned box. | |
virtual void | draw2DImage (const video::ITexture *texture, const nub::position2d< i32 > &destPos, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false)=0 |
Draws a 2d image without any special effects. | |
virtual void | draw2DImage (const video::ITexture *texture, const nub::position2d< i32 > &destPos, const nub::rect< i32 > &sourceRect, const nub::rect< i32 > *clipRect=0, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false)=0 |
Draws a 2d image using a color. | |
virtual void | draw2DImageBatch (const video::ITexture *texture, const nub::position2d< i32 > &pos, const nub::array< nub::rect< i32 > > &sourceRects, const nub::array< i32 > &indices, i32 kerningWidth=0, const nub::rect< i32 > *clipRect=0, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false)=0 |
Draws a set of 2d images, using a color and the alpha channel of the texture. | |
virtual void | draw2DImageBatch (const video::ITexture *texture, const nub::array< nub::position2d< i32 > > &positions, const nub::array< nub::rect< i32 > > &sourceRects, const nub::rect< i32 > *clipRect=0, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false)=0 |
Draws a set of 2d images, using a color and the alpha channel of the texture. | |
virtual void | draw2DImage (const video::ITexture *texture, const nub::rect< i32 > &destRect, const nub::rect< i32 > &sourceRect, const nub::rect< i32 > *clipRect=0, const video::SColor *const colors=0, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false)=0 |
Draws a part of the texture into the rectangle. Note that colors must be an array of 4 colors if used. | |
virtual void | draw2DRectangle (SColor color, const nub::rect< i32 > &pos, const nub::rect< i32 > *clip=0)=0 |
Draws a 2d rectangle. | |
virtual void | draw2DRectangle (const nub::rect< i32 > &pos, SColor colorLeftUp, SColor colorRightUp, SColor colorLeftDown, SColor colorRightDown, const nub::rect< i32 > *clip=0)=0 |
Draws a 2d rectangle with a gradient. | |
virtual void | draw2DRectangleOutline (const nub::recti &pos, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))=0 |
Draws the outline of a 2D rectangle. | |
virtual void | draw2DLine (const nub::position2d< i32 > &start, const nub::position2d< i32 > &end, SColor color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))=0 |
Draws a 2d line. | |
virtual void | drawPixel (u32 x, u32 y, const SColor &color)=0 |
Draws a pixel. | |
virtual void | draw2DPolygon (nub::position2d< i32 > center, f32 radius, video::SColor color=SColor(100, 255, 255, 255), i32 vertexCount=10)=0 |
Draws a non filled concyclic regular 2d polygon. | |
virtual void | drawStencilShadowVolume (const nub::array< nub::vector3df > &triangles, bool zfail=true, u32 debugDataVisible=0)=0 |
Draws a shadow volume into the stencil buffer. | |
virtual void | drawStencilShadow (bool clearStencilBuffer=false, video::SColor leftUpEdge=video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), video::SColor rightUpEdge=video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), video::SColor leftDownEdge=video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), video::SColor rightDownEdge=video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0))=0 |
Fills the stencil shadow with color. | |
virtual void | drawMeshBuffer (const scene::IMeshBuffer *mb)=0 |
Draws a mesh buffer. | |
virtual void | drawMeshBufferNormals (const scene::IMeshBuffer *mb, f32 length=10.f, SColor color=0xffffffff)=0 |
Draws normals of a mesh buffer. | |
virtual void | setFog (SColor color=SColor(0, 255, 255, 255), E_FOG_TYPE fogType=EFT_FOG_LINEAR, f32 start=50.0f, f32 end=100.0f, f32 density=0.01f, bool pixelFog=false, bool rangeFog=false)=0 |
Sets the fog mode. | |
virtual void | getFog (SColor &color, E_FOG_TYPE &fogType, f32 &start, f32 &end, f32 &density, bool &pixelFog, bool &rangeFog)=0 |
Gets the fog mode. | |
virtual ECOLOR_FORMAT | getColorFormat () const =0 |
Get the current color format of the color buffer. | |
virtual const nub::dimension2d< u32 > & | getScreenSize () const =0 |
Get the size of the screen or render window. | |
virtual const nub::dimension2d< u32 > & | getCurrentRenderTargetSize () const =0 |
Get the size of the current render target. | |
virtual i32 | getFPS () const =0 |
Returns current frames per second value. | |
virtual u32 | getPrimitiveCountDrawn (u32 mode=0) const =0 |
Returns amount of primitives (mostly triangles) which were drawn in the last frame. | |
virtual void | deleteAllDynamicLights ()=0 |
Deletes all dynamic lights which were previously added with addDynamicLight(). | |
virtual i32 | addDynamicLight (const SLight &light)=0 |
virtual u32 | getMaximalDynamicLightAmount () const =0 |
Returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle. | |
virtual u32 | getDynamicLightCount () const =0 |
Returns amount of dynamic lights currently set. | |
virtual const SLight & | getDynamicLight (u32 idx) const =0 |
Returns light data which was previously set by IVideoDriver::addDynamicLight(). | |
virtual void | turnLightOn (i32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)=0 |
virtual const wchar_t * | getName () const =0 |
Gets name of this video driver. | |
virtual void | addExternalImageLoader (IImageLoader *loader)=0 |
Adds an external image loader to the engine. | |
virtual void | addExternalImageWriter (IImageWriter *writer)=0 |
Adds an external image writer to the engine. | |
virtual u32 | getMaximalPrimitiveCount () const =0 |
Returns the maximum amount of primitives. | |
virtual void | setTextureCreationFlag (E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG flag, bool enabled=true)=0 |
Enables or disables a texture creation flag. | |
virtual bool | getTextureCreationFlag (E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG flag) const =0 |
Returns if a texture creation flag is enabled or disabled. | |
virtual nub::array< IImage * > | createImagesFromFile (const io::path &filename, E_TEXTURE_TYPE *type=0)=0 |
Creates a software images from a file. | |
virtual nub::array< IImage * > | createImagesFromFile (io::IReadFile *file, E_TEXTURE_TYPE *type=0)=0 |
Creates a software images from a file. | |
IImage * | createImageFromFile (const io::path &filename) |
Creates a software image from a file. | |
IImage * | createImageFromFile (io::IReadFile *file) |
Creates a software image from a file. | |
virtual bool | writeImageToFile (IImage *image, const io::path &filename, u32 param=0)=0 |
Writes the provided image to a file. | |
virtual bool | writeImageToFile (IImage *image, io::IWriteFile *file, u32 param=0)=0 |
Writes the provided image to a file. | |
virtual IImage * | createImageFromData (ECOLOR_FORMAT format, const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size, void *data, bool ownForeignMemory=false, bool deleteMemory=true)=0 |
Creates a software image from a byte array. | |
virtual IImage * | createImage (ECOLOR_FORMAT format, const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size)=0 |
Creates an empty software image. | |
virtual DCPP_DEPRECATED IImage * | createImage (ECOLOR_FORMAT format, IImage *imageToCopy)=0 |
Creates a software image by converting it to given format from another image. | |
virtual DCPP_DEPRECATED IImage * | createImage (IImage *imageToCopy, const nub::position2d< i32 > &pos, const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size)=0 |
Creates a software image from a part of another image. | |
virtual IImage * | createImage (ITexture *texture, const nub::position2d< i32 > &pos, const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size)=0 |
Creates a software image from a part of a texture. | |
virtual void | OnResize (const nub::dimension2d< u32 > &size)=0 |
Event handler for resize events. Only used by the engine internally. | |
virtual i32 | addMaterialRenderer (IMaterialRenderer *renderer, const c8 *name=0)=0 |
Adds a new material renderer to the video device. | |
virtual IMaterialRenderer * | getMaterialRenderer (u32 idx) const =0 |
Get access to a material renderer by index. | |
virtual u32 | getMaterialRendererCount () const =0 |
Get amount of currently available material renderers. | |
virtual const c8 * | getMaterialRendererName (u32 idx) const =0 |
Get name of a material renderer. | |
virtual void | setMaterialRendererName (u32 idx, const c8 *name)=0 |
Sets the name of a material renderer. | |
virtual void | swapMaterialRenderers (u32 idx1, u32 idx2, bool swapNames=true)=0 |
Swap the material renderers used for certain id's. | |
virtual io::IAttributes * | createAttributesFromMaterial (const video::SMaterial &material, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0)=0 |
Creates material attributes list from a material. | |
virtual void | fillMaterialStructureFromAttributes (video::SMaterial &outMaterial, io::IAttributes *attributes)=0 |
Fills an SMaterial class from attributes. | |
virtual const SExposedVideoData & | getExposedVideoData ()=0 |
Returns driver and operating system specific data about the IVideoDriver. | |
virtual E_DRIVER_TYPE | getDriverType () const =0 |
Get type of video driver. | |
virtual IGPUProgrammingServices * | getGPUProgrammingServices ()=0 |
Gets the IGPUProgrammingServices interface. | |
virtual scene::IMeshManipulator * | getMeshManipulator ()=0 |
Returns a pointer to the mesh manipulator. | |
virtual void | clearBuffers (u16 flag, SColor color=SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), f32 depth=1.f, u8 stencil=0)=0 |
Clear the color, depth and/or stencil buffers. | |
DCPP_DEPRECATED void | clearBuffers (bool backBuffer, bool depthBuffer, bool stencilBuffer, SColor color) |
Clear the color, depth and/or stencil buffers. | |
void | clearZBuffer () |
Clears the ZBuffer. | |
virtual IImage * | createScreenShot (video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format=video::ECF_UNKNOWN, video::E_RENDER_TARGET target=video::ERT_FRAME_BUFFER)=0 |
Make a screenshot of the last rendered frame. | |
virtual video::ITexture * | findTexture (const io::path &filename)=0 |
Check if the image is already loaded. | |
virtual bool | setClipPlane (u32 index, const nub::plane3df &plane, bool enable=false)=0 |
Set or unset a clipping plane. | |
virtual void | enableClipPlane (u32 index, bool enable)=0 |
Enable or disable a clipping plane. | |
virtual void | setMinHardwareBufferVertexCount (u32 count)=0 |
Set the minimum number of vertices for which a hw buffer will be created. | |
virtual SOverrideMaterial & | getOverrideMaterial ()=0 |
Get the global Material, which might override local materials. | |
virtual SMaterial & | getMaterial2D ()=0 |
Get the 2d override material for altering its values. | |
virtual void | enableMaterial2D (bool enable=true)=0 |
Enable the 2d override material. | |
virtual nub::string | getVendorInfo ()=0 |
Get the graphics card vendor name. | |
virtual void | setAmbientLight (const SColorf &color)=0 |
Only used by the engine internally. | |
virtual void | setAllowZWriteOnTransparent (bool flag)=0 |
Only used by the engine internally. | |
virtual nub::dimension2du | getMaxTextureSize () const =0 |
Get the maximum texture size supported. | |
virtual void | convertColor (const void *sP, ECOLOR_FORMAT sF, i32 sN, void *dP, ECOLOR_FORMAT dF) const =0 |
Color conversion convenience function. | |
virtual bool | queryTextureFormat (ECOLOR_FORMAT format) const =0 |
Check if the driver supports creating textures with the given color format. | |
virtual bool | needsTransparentRenderPass (const dcpp::video::SMaterial &material) const =0 |
Used by some SceneNodes to check if a material should be rendered in the transparent render pass. | |
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IReferenceCounted () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~IReferenceCounted () |
Destructor. | |
void | grab () const |
Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one. | |
bool | drop () const |
Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one. | |
i32 | getReferenceCount () const |
Get the reference count. | |
const c8 * | getDebugName () const |
Returns the debug name of the object. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | setDebugName (const c8 *newName) |
Sets the debug name of the object. | |
Interface to driver which is able to perform 2d and 3d graphics functions.
This interface is one of the most important interfaces of the Duckcpp Engine: All rendering and texture manipulation is done with this interface. You are able to use the Duckcpp Engine by only invoking methods of this interface if you like to, although the dcpp::scene::ISceneManager interface provides a lot of powerful classes and methods to make the programmer's life easier.
adds a dynamic light, returning an index to the light
light | the light data to use to create the light |
pure virtual |
Adds an external image loader to the engine.
This is useful if the Duckcpp Engine should be able to load textures of currently unsupported file formats (e.g. gif). The IImageLoader only needs to be implemented for loading this file format. A pointer to the implementation can be passed to the engine using this method.
loader | Pointer to the external loader created. |
pure virtual |
Adds an external image writer to the engine.
This is useful if the Duckcpp Engine should be able to write textures of currently unsupported file formats (e.g .gif). The IImageWriter only needs to be implemented for writing this file format. A pointer to the implementation can be passed to the engine using this method.
writer | Pointer to the external writer created. |
pure virtual |
Adds a new material renderer to the video device.
Use this method to extend the VideoDriver with new material types. To extend the engine using this method do the following: Derive a class from IMaterialRenderer and override the methods you need. For setting the right renderstates, you can try to get a pointer to the real rendering device using IVideoDriver::getExposedVideoData(). Add your class with IVideoDriver::addMaterialRenderer(). To use an object being displayed with your new material, set the MaterialType member of the SMaterial class to the value returned by this method. If you simply want to create a new material using vertex and/or pixel shaders it would be easier to use the video::IGPUProgrammingServices interface which you can get using the getGPUProgrammingServices() method.
renderer | A pointer to the new renderer. |
name | Optional name for the material renderer entry. |
pure virtual |
Create occlusion query.
Use node for identification and mesh for occlusion test.
pure virtual |
Adds a new render target texture to the texture cache.
size | Size of the texture, in pixels. Width and height should be a power of two (e.g. 64, 128, 256, 512, ...) and it should not be bigger than the backbuffer, because it shares the zbuffer with the screen buffer. |
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
format | The color format of the render target. Floating point formats are supported. |
pure virtual |
Adds a new render target texture with 6 sides for a cubemap map to the texture cache.
NOTE: Only supported on D3D9 so far.
sideLen | Length of one cubemap side. |
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
format | The color format of the render target. Floating point formats are supported. |
pure virtual |
Creates a texture from an IImage.
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
image | Image the texture is created from. |
inline |
Creates a texture from an IImage.
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
image | Image the texture is created from. |
mipmapData | Optional pointer to a mipmaps data. If this parameter is not given, the mipmaps are derived from image. |
pure virtual |
Creates an empty texture of specified size.
size | Size of the texture. |
name | A name for the texture. Later calls to getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
format | Desired color format of the texture. Please note that the driver may choose to create the texture in another color format. |
pure virtual |
Creates an empty cubemap texture of specified size.
sideLen | diameter of one side of the cube |
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
format | Desired color format of the texture. Please note that the driver may choose to create the texture in another color format. |
pure virtual |
Creates a cubemap texture from loaded IImages.
name | A name for the texture. Later calls of getTexture() with this name will return this texture. The name can not be empty. |
imagePosX | Image (positive X) the texture is created from. |
imageNegX | Image (negative X) the texture is created from. |
imagePosY | Image (positive Y) the texture is created from. |
imageNegY | Image (negative Y) the texture is created from. |
imagePosZ | Image (positive Z) the texture is created from. |
imageNegZ | Image (negative Z) the texture is created from. |
pure virtual |
Applications must call this method before performing any rendering.
This method can clear the back- and the z-buffer.
clearFlag | A combination of the E_CLEAR_BUFFER_FLAG bit-flags. |
clearColor | The clear color for the color buffer. |
clearDepth | The clear value for the depth buffer. |
clearStencil | The clear value for the stencil buffer. |
videoData | Handle of another window, if you want the bitmap to be displayed on another window. If this is an empty element, everything will be displayed in the default window. Note: This feature is not fully implemented for all devices. |
sourceRect | Pointer to a rectangle defining the source rectangle of the area to be presented. Set to null to present everything. Note: not implemented in all devices. |
pure virtual |
Check if the driver was recently reset.
For d3d devices you will need to recreate the RTTs if the driver was reset. Should be queried right after beginScene().
inline |
Clears the ZBuffer.
Note that you usually need not to call this method, as it is automatically done in IVideoDriver::beginScene() or IVideoDriver::setRenderTarget() if you enable zBuffer. But if you have to render some special things, you can clear the zbuffer during the rendering process with this method any time.
pure virtual |
Color conversion convenience function.
Convert an image (as array of pixels) from source to destination array, thereby converting the color format. The pixel size is determined by the color formats.
sP | Pointer to source |
sF | Color format of source |
sN | Number of pixels to convert, both array must be large enough |
dP | Pointer to destination |
dF | Color format of destination |
pure virtual |
Creates material attributes list from a material.
This method is useful for serialization and more. Please note that the video driver will use the material renderer names from getMaterialRendererName() to write out the material type name, so they should be set before.
material | The material to serialize. |
options | Additional options which might influence the serialization. |
pure virtual |
Creates an empty software image.
format | Desired color format of the image. |
size | Size of the image to create. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software image by converting it to given format from another image.
format | Desired color format of the image. |
imageToCopy | Image to copy to the new image. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software image from a part of another image.
imageToCopy | Image to copy to the new image in part. |
pos | Position of rectangle to copy. |
size | Extents of rectangle to copy. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software image from a part of a texture.
texture | Texture to copy to the new image in part. |
pos | Position of rectangle to copy. |
size | Extents of rectangle to copy. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software image from a byte array.
No hardware texture will be created for this image. This method is useful for example if you want to read a heightmap for a terrain renderer.
format | Desired color format of the texture |
size | Desired size of the image |
data | A byte array with pixel color information |
ownForeignMemory | If true, the image will use the data pointer directly and own it afterward. If false, the memory will by copied internally. WARNING: Setting this to 'true' will not work across dll boundaries. So unless you link Duckcpp statically you should keep this to 'false'. The parameter is mainly for internal usage. |
deleteMemory | Whether the memory is deallocated upon destruction. |
Creates a software image from a file.
No hardware texture will be created for this image. This method is useful for example if you want to read a heightmap for a terrain renderer.
filename | Name of the file from which the image is created. |
inline |
Creates a software image from a file.
No hardware texture will be created for this image. This method is useful for example if you want to read a heightmap for a terrain renderer.
file | File from which the image is created. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software images from a file.
No hardware texture will be created for those images. This method is useful for example if you want to read a heightmap for a terrain renderer.
filename | Name of the file from which the images are created. |
type | Pointer to E_TEXTURE_TYPE where a recommended type of the texture will be stored. |
pure virtual |
Creates a software images from a file.
No hardware texture will be created for those images. This method is useful for example if you want to read a heightmap for a terrain renderer.
file | File from which the image is created. |
type | Pointer to E_TEXTURE_TYPE where a recommended type of the texture will be stored. |
pure virtual |
Make a screenshot of the last rendered frame.
target | All current drivers only support ERT_FRAME_BUFFER |
pure virtual |
Disable a feature of the driver.
Can also be used to enable the features again. It is not possible to enable unsupported features this way, though.
feature | Feature to disable. |
flag | When true the feature is disabled, otherwise it is enabled. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 2d image without any special effects.
texture | Pointer to texture to use. |
destPos | Upper left 2d destination position where the image will be drawn. |
useAlphaChannelOfTexture | If true, the alpha channel of the texture is used to draw the image. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 2d image using a color.
(if color is other than Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture.
texture | Texture to be drawn. |
destPos | Upper left 2d destination position where the image will be drawn. |
sourceRect | Source rectangle in the texture (based on it's OriginalSize) |
clipRect | Pointer to rectangle on the screen where the image is clipped to. If this pointer is NULL the image is not clipped. |
color | Color with which the image is drawn. If the color equals Color(255,255,255,255) it is ignored. Note that the alpha component is used: If alpha is other than 255, the image will be transparent. |
useAlphaChannelOfTexture | If true, the alpha channel of the texture is used to draw the image. |
pure virtual |
Draws a part of the texture into the rectangle. Note that colors must be an array of 4 colors if used.
Suggested and first implemented by zola.
texture | The texture to draw from |
destRect | The rectangle to draw into |
sourceRect | The rectangle denoting a part of the texture (based on it's OriginalSize) |
clipRect | Clips the destination rectangle (may be 0) |
colors | Array of 4 colors denoting the color values of the corners of the destRect |
useAlphaChannelOfTexture | True if alpha channel will be blended. |
pure virtual |
Draws a set of 2d images, using a color and the alpha channel of the texture.
All drawings are clipped against clipRect (if != 0). The subtextures are defined by the array of sourceRects and are positioned using the array of positions.
texture | Texture to be drawn. |
positions | Array of upper left 2d destinations where the images will be drawn. |
sourceRects | Source rectangles of the texture (based on it's OriginalSize) |
clipRect | Pointer to rectangle on the screen where the images are clipped to. If this pointer is 0 then the image is not clipped. |
color | Color with which the image is drawn. Note that the alpha component is used. If alpha is other than 255, the image will be transparent. |
useAlphaChannelOfTexture | If true, the alpha channel of the texture is used to draw the image. |
pure virtual |
Draws a set of 2d images, using a color and the alpha channel of the texture.
The images are drawn beginning at pos and concatenated in one line. All drawings are clipped against clipRect (if != 0). The subtextures are defined by the array of sourceRects and are chosen by the indices given.
texture | Texture to be drawn. |
pos | Upper left 2d destination position where the image will be drawn. |
sourceRects | Source rectangles of the texture (based on it's OriginalSize) |
indices | List of indices which choose the actual rectangle used each time. |
kerningWidth | Offset to Position on X |
clipRect | Pointer to rectangle on the screen where the image is clipped to. If this pointer is 0 then the image is not clipped. |
color | Color with which the image is drawn. Note that the alpha component is used. If alpha is other than 255, the image will be transparent. |
useAlphaChannelOfTexture | If true, the alpha channel of the texture is used to draw the image. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 2d line.
In theory both start and end will be included in coloring. BUG: Currently hardware drivers (d3d/opengl) ignore the last pixel (they use the so called "diamond exit rule" for drawing lines).
start | Screen coordinates of the start of the line in pixels. |
end | Screen coordinates of the start of the line in pixels. |
color | Color of the line to draw. |
pure virtual |
Draws a non filled concyclic regular 2d polygon.
This method can be used to draw circles, but also triangles, tetragons, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, enneagons, decagons, hendecagons, dodecagon, triskaidecagons, etc. I think you'll got it now. And all this by simply specifying the vertex count. Welcome to the wonders of geometry.
center | Position of center of circle (pixels). |
radius | Radius of circle in pixels. |
color | Color of the circle. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices of the polygon. Specify 2 to draw a line, 3 to draw a triangle, 4 for tetragons and a lot (>10) for nearly a circle. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 2d rectangle with a gradient.
colorLeftUp | Color of the upper left corner to draw. The alpha component will not be ignored and specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. |
colorRightUp | Color of the upper right corner to draw. The alpha component will not be ignored and specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. |
colorLeftDown | Color of the lower left corner to draw. The alpha component will not be ignored and specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. |
colorRightDown | Color of the lower right corner to draw. The alpha component will not be ignored and specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. |
pos | Position of the rectangle. |
clip | Pointer to rectangle against which the rectangle will be clipped. If the pointer is null, no clipping will be performed. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 2d rectangle.
color | Color of the rectangle to draw. The alpha component will not be ignored and specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. |
pos | Position of the rectangle. |
clip | Pointer to rectangle against which the rectangle will be clipped. If the pointer is null, no clipping will be performed. |
pure virtual |
Draws the outline of a 2D rectangle.
pos | Position of the rectangle. |
color | Color of the rectangle to draw. The alpha component specifies how transparent the rectangle outline will be. |
pure virtual |
Draws a vertex primitive list in 2d.
Compared to the general (3d) version of this method, this one sets up a 2d render mode, and uses only x and y of vectors. Note that, depending on the index type, some vertices might be not accessible through the index list. The limit is at 65535 vertices for 16bit indices. Please note that currently not all primitives are available for all drivers, and some might be emulated via triangle renders. This function is not available for the sw drivers.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. These define the vertices used for each primitive. Depending on the pType, indices are interpreted as single objects (for point like primitives), pairs (for lines), triplets (for triangles), or quads. |
primCount | Amount of Primitives |
vType | Vertex type, e.g. video::EVT_STANDARD for S3DVertex. |
pType | Primitive type, e.g. scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN for a triangle fan. |
iType | Index type, e.g. video::EIT_16BIT for 16bit indices. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 3d axis aligned box.
This method simply calls draw3DLine for the edges of the box. Note that the box is drawn using the current transformation matrix and material. So if you need to draw it independently of the current transformation, use
for some properly set up material before drawing the box.
box | The axis aligned box to draw |
color | Color to use while drawing the box. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 3d line.
For some implementations, this method simply calls drawVertexPrimitiveList for some triangles. Note that the line is drawn using the current transformation matrix and material. So if you need to draw the 3D line independently of the current transformation, use
for some properly set up material before drawing the line. Some drivers support line thickness set in the material.
start | Start of the 3d line. |
end | End of the 3d line. |
color | Color of the line. |
pure virtual |
Draws a 3d triangle.
This method calls drawVertexPrimitiveList for some triangles. This method works with all drivers because it simply calls drawVertexPrimitiveList, but it is hence not very fast. Note that the triangle is drawn using the current transformation matrix and material. So if you need to draw it independently of the current transformation, use
for some properly set up material before drawing the triangle.
triangle | The triangle to draw. |
color | Color of the line. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle fan.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices - 2. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle fan.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices - 2. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle fan.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices - 2. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle list.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices / 3. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle list.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices / 3. |
inline |
Draws an indexed triangle list.
Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the index list is an array of 16 bit values each with a maximum value of 65536. If there are more than 65536 vertices in the list, results of this operation are not defined.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. |
triangleCount | Amount of Triangles. Usually amount of indices / 3. |
pure virtual |
Draws a mesh buffer.
mb | Buffer to draw |
pure virtual |
Draws normals of a mesh buffer.
mb | Buffer to draw the normals of |
length | length scale factor of the normals |
color | Color the normals are rendered with |
pure virtual |
Draws a pixel.
x | The x-position of the pixel. |
y | The y-position of the pixel. |
color | Color of the pixel to draw. |
pure virtual |
Fills the stencil shadow with color.
After the shadow volume has been drawn into the stencil buffer using IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadowVolume(), use this to draw the color of the shadow. Please note that the code for the opengl version of the method is based on free code sent in by Philipp Dortmann, lots of thanks go to him!
clearStencilBuffer | Set this to false, if you want to draw every shadow with the same color, and only want to call drawStencilShadow() once after all shadow volumes have been drawn. Set this to true, if you want to paint every shadow with its own color. |
leftUpEdge | Color of the shadow in the upper left corner of screen. |
rightUpEdge | Color of the shadow in the upper right corner of screen. |
leftDownEdge | Color of the shadow in the lower left corner of screen. |
rightDownEdge | Color of the shadow in the lower right corner of screen. |
pure virtual |
Draws a shadow volume into the stencil buffer.
To draw a stencil shadow, do this: First, draw all geometry. Then use this method, to draw the shadow volume. Then, use IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadow() to visualize the shadow. Please note that the code for the opengl version of the method is based on free code sent in by Philipp Dortmann, lots of thanks go to him!
triangles | Array of 3d vectors, specifying the shadow volume. |
zfail | If set to true, zfail method is used, otherwise zpass. |
debugDataVisible | The debug data that is enabled for this shadow node |
pure virtual |
Draws a vertex primitive list.
Note that, depending on the index type, some vertices might be not accessible through the index list. The limit is at 65535 vertices for 16bit indices. Please note that currently not all primitives are available for all drivers, and some might be emulated via triangle renders.
vertices | Pointer to array of vertices. |
vertexCount | Amount of vertices in the array. |
indexList | Pointer to array of indices. These define the vertices used for each primitive. Depending on the pType, indices are interpreted as single objects (for point like primitives), pairs (for lines), triplets (for triangles), or quads. |
primCount | Amount of Primitives |
vType | Vertex type, e.g. video::EVT_STANDARD for S3DVertex. |
pType | Primitive type, e.g. scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN for a triangle fan. |
iType | Index type, e.g. video::EIT_16BIT for 16bit indices. |
pure virtual |
Enable or disable a clipping plane.
There are at least 6 clipping planes available for the user to set at will.
index | The plane index. Must be between 0 and MaxUserClipPlanes. |
enable | If true, enable the clipping plane else disable it. |
pure virtual |
Enable the 2d override material.
enable | Flag which tells whether the material shall be enabled or disabled. |
pure virtual |
Presents the rendered image to the screen.
Applications must call this method after performing any rendering.
pure virtual |
Fills an SMaterial class from attributes.
Please note that for setting material types of the material, the video driver will need to query the material renderers for their names, so all non built-in materials must have been created before calling this method.
outMaterial | The material to set the properties for. |
attributes | The attributes to read from. |
pure virtual |
Check if the image is already loaded.
Works similar to getTexture(), but does not load the texture if it is not currently loaded.
filename | Name of the texture. |
pure virtual |
Get the current color format of the color buffer.
pure virtual |
Get the size of the current render target.
This method will return the screen size if the driver doesn't support render to texture, or if the current render target is the screen.
pure virtual |
Get attributes of the actual video driver.
The following names can be queried for the given types: MaxTextures (int) The maximum number of simultaneous textures supported by the driver. This can be less than the supported number of textures of the driver. Use DCPP_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES to adapt the number. MaxSupportedTextures (int) The maximum number of simultaneous textures supported by the fixed function pipeline of the (hw) driver. The actual supported number of textures supported by the engine can be lower. MaxLights (int) Number of hardware lights supported in the fixed function pipeline of the driver, typically 6-8. Use light manager or deferred shading for more. MaxAnisotropy (int) Number of anisotropy levels supported for filtering. At least 1, max is typically at 16 or 32. MaxUserClipPlanes (int) Number of additional clip planes, which can be set by the user via dedicated driver methods. MaxAuxBuffers (int) Special render buffers, which are currently not really usable inside Duckcpp. Only supported by OpenGL MaxMultipleRenderTargets (int) Number of render targets which can be bound simultaneously. Rendering to MRTs is done via shaders. MaxIndices (int) Number of indices which can be used in one render call (i.e. one mesh buffer). MaxTextureSize (int) Dimension that a texture may have, both in width and height. MaxGeometryVerticesOut (int) Number of vertices the geometry shader can output in one pass. Only OpenGL so far. MaxTextureLODBias (float) Maximum value for LOD bias. Is usually at around 16, but can be lower on some systems. Version (int) Version of the driver. Should be Major*100+Minor ShaderLanguageVersion (int) Version of the high level shader language. Should be Major*100+Minor. AntiAlias (int) Number of Samples the driver uses for each pixel. 0 and 1 means anti aliasing is off, typical values are 2,4,8,16,32
pure virtual |
Get type of video driver.
Returns light data which was previously set by IVideoDriver::addDynamicLight().
idx | Zero based index of the light. Must be 0 or greater and smaller than IVideoDriver::getDynamicLightCount. |
pure virtual |
Returns amount of dynamic lights currently set.
pure virtual |
Returns driver and operating system specific data about the IVideoDriver.
This method should only be used if the engine should be extended without having to modify the source of the engine.
pure virtual |
Returns current frames per second value.
This value is updated approximately every 1.5 seconds and is only intended to provide a rough guide to the average frame rate. It is not suitable for use in performing timing calculations or framerate independent movement.
pure virtual |
Gets the IGPUProgrammingServices interface.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the given image loader.
n | The index of the loader to retrieve. This parameter is an 0-based array index. |
pure virtual |
Retrieve the number of image loaders.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the given image writer.
n | The index of the writer to retrieve. This parameter is an 0-based array index. |
pure virtual |
Retrieve the number of image writers.
pure virtual |
Get the 2d override material for altering its values.
The 2d override material allows to alter certain render states of the 2d methods. Not all members of SMaterial are honored, especially not MaterialType and Textures. Moreover, the zbuffer is always ignored, and lighting is always off. All other flags can be changed, though some might have to effect in most cases. Please note that you have to enable/disable this effect with enableMaterial2D(). This effect is costly, as it increases the number of state changes considerably. Always reset the values when done.
pure virtual |
Get access to a material renderer by index.
idx | Id of the material renderer. Can be a value of the E_MATERIAL_TYPE enum or a value which was returned by addMaterialRenderer(). |
pure virtual |
Get amount of currently available material renderers.
Get name of a material renderer.
This string can, e.g., be used to test if a specific renderer already has been registered/created, or use this string to store data about materials: This returned name will be also used when serializing materials.
idx | Id of the material renderer. Can be a value of the E_MATERIAL_TYPE enum or a value which was returned by addMaterialRenderer(). |
pure virtual |
Returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle.
pure virtual |
Returns the maximum amount of primitives.
(mostly vertices) which the device is able to render with one drawVertexPrimitiveList call.
pure virtual |
Gets name of this video driver.
pure virtual |
Return query result.
Return value is the number of visible pixels/fragments. The value is a safe approximation, i.e. can be larger than the actual value of pixels.
pure virtual |
Get the global Material, which might override local materials.
Depending on the enable flags, values from this Material are used to override those of local materials of some meshbuffer being rendered.
Returns amount of primitives (mostly triangles) which were drawn in the last frame.
Together with getFPS() very useful method for statistics.
mode | Defines if the primitives drawn are accumulated or counted per frame. |
pure virtual |
Get the size of the screen or render window.
Get access to a named texture.
Loads the texture from disk if it is not already loaded and generates mipmap levels if desired. Texture loading can be influenced using the setTextureCreationFlag() method. The texture can be in several imageformats, such as BMP, JPG, TGA, PCX, PNG, and PSD.
filename | Filename of the texture to be loaded. |
pure virtual |
Get access to a named texture.
Loads the texture from disk if it is not already loaded and generates mipmap levels if desired. Texture loading can be influenced using the setTextureCreationFlag() method. The texture can be in several imageformats, such as BMP, JPG, TGA, PCX, PNG, and PSD.
file | Pointer to an already opened file. |
Returns a texture by index.
index | Index of the texture, must be smaller than getTextureCount() Please note that this index might change when adding or removing textures |
pure virtual |
Returns amount of textures currently loaded.
pure virtual |
Returns if a texture creation flag is enabled or disabled.
You can change this value using setTextureCreationFlag().
flag | Texture creation flag. |
pure virtual |
Returns the transformation set by setTransform.
state | Transformation type to query |
Gets the area of the current viewport.
pure virtual |
Sets a boolean alpha channel on the texture based on the color at a position.
This makes the texture fully transparent at the texels where the color key can be found when using for example draw2DImage with useAlphachannel==true. The alpha of other texels is not modified.
texture | Texture whose alpha channel is modified. |
colorKeyPixelPos | Position of a pixel with the color key color. Every texel with this color will become fully transparent as described above. |
zeroTexels | (deprecated) If set to true, then any texels that match the color key will have their color, as well as their alpha, set to zero (i.e. black). This behavior matches the legacy (buggy) behavior prior to release 1.5 and is provided for backwards compatibility only. This parameter may be removed by Duckcpp 1.9. |
pure virtual |
Sets a boolean alpha channel on the texture based on a color key.
This makes the texture fully transparent at the texels where this color key can be found when using for example draw2DImage with useAlphachannel==true. The alpha of other texels is not modified.
texture | Texture whose alpha channel is modified. |
color | Color key color. Every texel with this color will become fully transparent as described above. Please note that the colors of a texture may be converted when loading it, so the color values may not be exactly the same in the engine and for example in picture edit programs. To avoid this problem, you could use the makeColorKeyTexture method, which takes the position of a pixel instead a color value. |
zeroTexels | (deprecated) If set to true, then any texels that match the color key will have their color, as well as their alpha, set to zero (i.e. black). This behavior matches the legacy (buggy) behavior prior to release 1.5 and is provided for backwards compatibility only. This parameter may be removed by Duckcpp 1.9. |
pure virtual |
Creates a normal map from a height map texture.
As input is considered to be a height map the texture is read like:
texture | Height map texture which is converted to a normal map. |
amplitude | Constant value by which the height information is multiplied. |
pure virtual |
Event handler for resize events. Only used by the engine internally.
Used to notify the driver that the window was resized. Usually, there is no need to call this method.
pure virtual |
Queries the features of the driver.
Returns true if a feature is available
feature | Feature to query. |
pure virtual |
Check if the driver supports creating textures with the given color format.
pure virtual |
Removes all textures from the texture cache and deletes them.
This method can free a lot of memory! Please note that after calling this, the pointer to the ITexture may no longer be valid, if it was not grabbed before by other parts of the engine for storing it longer. So it is a good idea to set all materials which are using this texture to 0 or another texture first.
pure virtual |
Removes a texture from the texture cache and deletes it.
This method can free a lot of memory! Please note that after calling this, the pointer to the ITexture may no longer be valid, if it was not grabbed before by other parts of the engine for storing it longer. So it is a good idea to set all materials which are using this texture to 0 or another texture first.
texture | Texture to delete from the engine cache. |
pure virtual |
Renames a texture.
texture | Pointer to the texture to rename. |
newName | New name for the texture. This should be a unique name. |
pure virtual |
Run all occlusion queries. Draws all meshes stored in queries.
If the meshes shall not be rendered visible, use overrideMaterial to disable the color and depth buffer.
pure virtual |
Run occlusion query. Draws mesh stored in query.
If the mesh shall not be rendered visible, use overrideMaterial to disable the color and depth buffer.
pure virtual |
Only used by the engine internally.
Passes the global material flag AllowZWriteOnTransparent. Use the SceneManager attribute to set this value from your app.
flag | Default behavior is to disable ZWrite, i.e. false. |
pure virtual |
Only used by the engine internally.
The ambient color is set in the scene manager, see scene::ISceneManager::setAmbientLight().
color | New color of the ambient light. |
pure virtual |
Set or unset a clipping plane.
There are at least 6 clipping planes available for the user to set at will.
index | The plane index. Must be between 0 and MaxUserClipPlanes. |
plane | The plane itself. |
enable | If true, enable the clipping plane else disable it. |
pure virtual |
Sets the fog mode.
These are global values attached to each 3d object rendered, which has the fog flag enabled in its material.
color | Color of the fog |
fogType | Type of fog used |
start | Only used in linear fog mode (linearFog=true). Specifies where fog starts. |
end | Only used in linear fog mode (linearFog=true). Specifies where fog ends. |
density | Only used in exponential fog mode (linearFog=false). Must be a value between 0 and 1. |
pixelFog | Set this to false for vertex fog, and true if you want per-pixel fog. |
rangeFog | Set this to true to enable range-based vertex fog. The distance from the viewer is used to compute the fog, not the z-coordinate. This is better, but slower. This might not be available with all drivers and fog settings. |
pure virtual |
Sets a material.
All 3d drawing functions will draw geometry using this material thereafter.
material | Material to be used from now on. |
pure virtual |
Sets the name of a material renderer.
Will have no effect on built-in material renderers.
idx | Id of the material renderer. Can be a value of the E_MATERIAL_TYPE enum or a value which was returned by addMaterialRenderer(). |
name | New name of the material renderer. |
pure virtual |
Set the minimum number of vertices for which a hw buffer will be created.
count | Number of vertices to set as minimum. |
inline |
Sets a new render target. Prefer to use the setRenderTarget function taking flags as parameter as this one can't clear the stencil buffer. It's still offered for backward compatibility.
pure virtual |
Sets a new render target.
This will only work if the driver supports the EVDF_RENDER_TO_TARGET feature, which can be queried with queryFeature(). Usually, rendering to textures is done in this way:
Please note that you cannot render 3D or 2D geometry with a render target as texture on it when you are rendering the scene into this render target at the same time. It is usually only possible to render into a texture between the IVideoDriver::beginScene() and endScene() method calls.
texture | New render target. Must be a texture created with IVideoDriver::addRenderTargetTexture(). If set to 0, it sets the previous render target which was set before the last setRenderTarget() call. |
clearFlag | A combination of the E_CLEAR_BUFFER_FLAG bit-flags. |
clearColor | The clear color for the color buffer. |
clearDepth | The clear value for the depth buffer. |
clearStencil | The clear value for the stencil buffer. |
pure virtual |
Set a render target.
This will only work if the driver supports the EVDF_RENDER_TO_TARGET feature, which can be queried with queryFeature(). Please note that you cannot render 3D or 2D geometry with a render target as texture on it when you are rendering the scene into this render target at the same time. It is usually only possible to render into a texture between the IVideoDriver::beginScene() and endScene() method calls. If you need the best performance use this method instead of setRenderTarget.
target | Render target object. |
clearFlag | A combination of the E_CLEAR_BUFFER_FLAG bit-flags. |
clearColor | The clear color for the color buffer. |
clearDepth | The clear value for the depth buffer. |
clearStencil | The clear value for the stencil buffer. |
pure virtual |
Enables or disables a texture creation flag.
These flags define how textures should be created. By changing this value, you can influence for example the speed of rendering a lot. But please note that the video drivers take this value only as recommendation. It could happen that you enable the ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT mode, but the driver still creates 32 bit textures.
flag | Texture creation flag. |
enabled | Specifies if the given flag should be enabled or disabled. |
pure virtual |
Sets transformation matrices.
state | Transformation type to be set, e.g. view, world, or projection. |
mat | Matrix describing the transformation. |
Sets a new viewport.
Every rendering operation is done into this new area.
area | Rectangle defining the new area of rendering operations. |
pure virtual |
Swap the material renderers used for certain id's.
Swap the IMaterialRenderers responsible for rendering specific material-id's. This means every SMaterial using a MaterialType with one of the indices involved here will now render differently.
idx1 | First material index to swap. It must already exist or nothing happens. |
idx2 | Second material index to swap. It must already exist or nothing happens. |
swapNames | When true the renderer names also swap When false the names will stay at the original index |
pure virtual |
Turns a dynamic light on or off
lightIndex | the index returned by addDynamicLight |
turnOn | true to turn the light on, false to turn it off |
pure virtual |
Update all occlusion queries. Retrieves results from GPU.
If the query shall not block, set the flag to false. Update might not occur in this case, though
pure virtual |
Update occlusion query. Retrieves results from GPU.
If the query shall not block, set the flag to false. Update might not occur in this case, though
pure virtual |
Writes the provided image to a file.
Requires that there is a suitable image writer registered for writing the image.
image | Image to write. |
filename | Name of the file to write. |
param | Control parameter for the backend (e.g. compression level). |
pure virtual |
Writes the provided image to a file.
Requires that there is a suitable image writer registered for writing the image.
image | Image to write. |
file | An already open io::IWriteFile object. The name will be used to determine the appropriate image writer to use. |
param | Control parameter for the backend (e.g. compression level). |