cpp pointer
c++ pointer
c++ memory management: pointer, new, delete, this
cpp/c++ pointer
First of all, you must know that you can declare many variables in c++. Each variable will occupy a small space in memory. You can imagine every space that a variable occupied in memory as a grid, every grid has an unique address. Then you imagine that, there is a new kind of variable: its value is another variable's address. then we give that new kind of variable a name: pointer.
See c++ pointer code to get how to coding above description:
int dd = 25; int * ee = ⅆ std::cout << dd << std::endl; // 25 - take the value of dd std::cout << *ee << std::endl; // 25 - take the value of dd by its address !
The pointer can be applied to c++ object too:
class one_class { }; one_class nn; one_class * uu = &nn;
pointer variable uu stores the address of nn.
To access the members of a class by using a pointer, you can use -> operator:
class one_class { private: int x; public: void set(int x1) { x = x1; } int get() { return x; } }; one_class nn; one_class * uu = &nn; uu->set(3); // access method by using operator ->, if the object is an pointer. int r = uu->get(); std::cout << r << std::endl;
In the above case, when we declare a pointer, we have declared a variable previously:
one_class nn; one_class * uu = &nn;
We declare nn, then declare a pointer uu to hold address of nn.
But there is another case always: we do not want to declare a name for what the pointer points to, we just want to declare the pointer directly, then "new" can do that:
one_class * uu = new one_class{};
In this case, uu is variable, its value is another variable's address, that the another variable is the object of class one_class .
-) delete !
If you create something by new, you must destroy it by delete when you do not want it any more!
one_class * uu = new one_class{}; int r = uu->get(); delete uu;
auto can be applied to new too:
auto * uu = new one_class{}; delete uu;
You must know that, the class object has an implicit pointer which points to itself, that is the this pointer!
I have to explain it by an example.
#include <iostream> class one2_class { private: int x; public: one2_class() { this->x = 12; // pointer this } one2_class(int x1): x{x1} // this means applying value from x1 to x. { } one2_class(double x1) { // pointer this this->x = static_cast<int>(x1) + 100000; } void print() { std::cout << "x is " << x << std::endl; std::cout << "x is " << (this->x) << std::endl; // pointer this std::cout << "x is " << (this->get()) << std::endl; // pointer this } int get() { return x; } }; int main() { auto obj1 = one2_class{345}; obj1.print(); auto obj2 = one2_class{34.5}; obj2.print(); auto * test = new one2_class{}; delete test; }
x is 345 x is 345 x is 345 x is 100034 x is 100034 x is 100034
You can see that, you can access the members of class object by pointer this.
(anchor here: what-this-points-to)
I have to make a clear notice that:
Note | |
For rule-3, read the following program:
#include <iostream> class one3_class { public: int get_a() { return 5; } int get_b() { return this->get_a(); // pointer this } }; int main() { }
The this never and can never point to the class one3_class,
it should point to an object of one3_class,
but because no any object of one3_class is created,
any object semantics does not exist,
so its related semantic this does not exist too.
Written on Sep 20, 2024
Update on Oct 31, 2024: add anchor label: what-this-points-to
c++ std::exception:
std::cout.write(err.data(), err.size());
std::cout << std::endl;
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