Jimcpp 2.1.0
Jimcpp is a high-performance c++ graphics engine.
No Matches
Deprecated List
Member jpp::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::isEmpty () const
Use empty() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::core::position2df
position2d is now a synonym for vector2d, but vector2d should be used directly.
Member jpp::core::position2di
position2d is now a synonym for vector2d, but vector2d should be used directly.
This may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
This may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::gui::IGUITab::getNumber () const
Deprecated in 1.9, use IGUITabControl::getTabIndex instead
Member jpp::gui::IGUITreeViewNode::clearChilds ()
Deprecated in 1.8, use clearChildren() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::gui::IGUITreeViewNode::hasChilds () const
Deprecated in 1.8, use hasChildren() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::io::IFileSystem::addFolderFileArchive (const c8 *filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of Jimcpp and may be removed in Jimcpp 1.9, you should use addFileArchive instead. Useful for handling data which will be in a zip file
Member jpp::io::IFileSystem::addPakFileArchive (const c8 *filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of Jimcpp and may be removed in Jimcpp 1.9, you should use addFileArchive instead. After calling this, the Jimcpp Engine will search and open files directly from this archive too. This is useful for hiding data from the end user, speeding up file access and making it possible to access for example Quake2/KingPin/Hexen2 .pak files
Member jpp::io::IFileSystem::addZipFileArchive (const c8 *filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of Jimcpp and may be removed in Jimcpp 1.9, you should use addFileArchive instead. After calling this, the Jimcpp Engine will search and open files directly from this archive too. This is useful for hiding data from the end user, speeding up file access and making it possible to access for example Quake3 .pk3 files, which are no different than .zip files.
Member jpp::IOSOperator::getOperationSystemVersion () const
Use getOperatingSystemVersion instead. This method will be removed in Jimcpp 1.9.
Member jpp::scene::IBoneSceneNode::getBoneName () const
Use getName instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshCache::getMeshByFilename (const io::path &filename)
Use getMeshByName() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshCache::getMeshFilename (const IMesh *const mesh) const
Use getMeshName() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshCache::getMeshFilename (u32 index) const
Use getMeshName() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshCache::setMeshFilename (const IMesh *const mesh, const io::path &filename)
Use renameMesh() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshCache::setMeshFilename (u32 index, const io::path &filename)
Use renameMesh() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshManipulator::scaleMesh (IMesh *mesh, const core::vector3df &factor) const
Use scale() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::IMeshManipulator::transformMesh (IMesh *mesh, const core::matrix4 &m) const
Use transform() instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9
Member jpp::scene::ISceneManager::createOctTreeTriangleSelector (IMesh *mesh, ISceneNode *node, s32 minimalPolysPerNode=32)
Use createOctreeTriangleSelector instead. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9.
Member jpp::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setPixelShaderConstant (const c8 *name, const f32 *floats, int count)
. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 2.0
Member jpp::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setPixelShaderConstant (const c8 *name, const s32 *ints, int count)
. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 2.0
Member jpp::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setVertexShaderConstant (const c8 *name, const f32 *floats, int count)
. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 2.0
Member jpp::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setVertexShaderConstant (const c8 *name, const s32 *ints, int count)
. This method may be removed by Jimcpp 2.0
Member jpp::video::IVideoDriver::createImage (IImage *imageToCopy, const core::position2d< s32 > &pos, const core::dimension2d< u32 > &size)=0
Create an empty image and use copyTo(). This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9.
Member jpp::video::IVideoDriver::createImage (ECOLOR_FORMAT format, IImage *imageToCopy)=0
Create an empty image and use copyTo(). This method may be removed by Jimcpp 1.9.

Jimcpp    @cppfx.xyz