Future is the only way out.
esv::na is used to check if the comparison of two values have no result.
Having result means the comparison result is one of <, <,
>, >
, ==; No result means not any one of them.
esv::na returns true if no comparison result; returns false if having comparison result.
Their types must satisfy esv::real_meric.
esv::na is used to check if the comparison of two values have no result.
#include <esvcpp/core.hpp> int main() { esv::ux32 a = 7; esv::fx32 b = 3.2; esv::fx32 c = esv::nan_v<esv::fx32>; bool x = esv::lt(a, b); bool y = esv::gt(b, c); bool z = esv::na(a, c); esv::print(x, y, z); // false false true }