

Do not waste your treasure time.

esv::ux32 - esv::u32

esv::ux32 is the unsigned 32-bit integral type that can be used as basic unsigned int; it is class type: esv::class_type, which has overloaded almost every operations of the basic integral types; if not, it will be added in the future.

esv::ux32 - esv::u32, the class type of esv::u32.

Except the basic integral operations, esv::ux32 has some advanced class features, such as some member functions, and some features that are not possible for basic integral types.

c++ example

#include <esvcpp/core.hpp>

int main()
	constexpr esv::ux32 rgba  = 0x123456ff;
	constexpr esv::ux32 rgb = (rgba >> 8);
	static_assert(rgb = 0x00123456);

