Duckcpp 2.1.0
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dcpp::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector Class Referenceabstract

A particle affector which attracts or detracts particles. More...

#include <duckcpp/core/engine/IParticleAttractionAffector.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for dcpp::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for dcpp::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual void setPoint (const nub::vector3df &point)=0
 Set the point that particles will attract to.
virtual void setSpeed (f32 speed)=0
 Set the speed, in game units per second that the particles will attract to the specified point.
virtual void setAttract (bool attract)=0
 Set whether or not the particles are attracting or detracting.
virtual void setAffectX (bool affect)=0
 Set whether or not this will affect particles in the X direction.
virtual void setAffectY (bool affect)=0
 Set whether or not this will affect particles in the Y direction.
virtual void setAffectZ (bool affect)=0
 Set whether or not this will affect particles in the Z direction.
virtual const nub::vector3dfgetPoint () const =0
 Get the point that particles are attracted to.
virtual f32 getSpeed () const =0
 Get the speed that points attract to the specified point.
virtual bool getAttract () const =0
 Get whether or not the particles are attracting or detracting.
virtual bool getAffectX () const =0
 Get whether or not the particles X position are affected.
virtual bool getAffectY () const =0
 Get whether or not the particles Y position are affected.
virtual bool getAffectZ () const =0
 Get whether or not the particles Z position are affected.
virtual E_PARTICLE_AFFECTOR_TYPE getType () const override
 Get emitter type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::scene::IParticleAffector
 IParticleAffector ()
virtual void affect (u32 now, SParticle *particlearray, u32 count)=0
 Affects an array of particles.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not the affector is currently enabled.
virtual bool getEnabled () const
 Gets whether or not the affector is currently enabled.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::io::IAttributeExchangingObject
virtual void serializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0) const
 Writes attributes of the object.
virtual void deserializeAttributes (io::IAttributes *in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions *options=0)
 Reads attributes of the object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dcpp::IReferenceCounted
 IReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~IReferenceCounted ()
void grab () const
 Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one.
bool drop () const
 Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one.
i32 getReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count.
const c8getDebugName () const
 Returns the debug name of the object.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from dcpp::IReferenceCounted
void setDebugName (const c8 *newName)
 Sets the debug name of the object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from dcpp::scene::IParticleAffector
bool Enabled

Detailed Description

A particle affector which attracts or detracts particles.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getType()

virtual E_PARTICLE_AFFECTOR_TYPE dcpp::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector::getType ( ) const

Get emitter type.

Implements dcpp::scene::IParticleAffector.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
