Duckcpp 2.1.0
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dcpp::nub::quaternion Class Reference

Quaternion class for representing rotations. More...

#include <duckcpp/core/engine/quaternion.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 quaternion ()
 Default Constructor.
 quaternion (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 w)
 quaternion (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z)
 Constructor which converts Euler angles (radians) to a quaternion.
 quaternion (const vector3df &vec)
 Constructor which converts Euler angles (radians) to a quaternion.
 quaternion (const matrix4 &mat)
 Constructor which converts a matrix to a quaternion.
bool operator== (const quaternion &other) const
 Equality operator.
bool operator!= (const quaternion &other) const
 inequality operator
quaternionoperator= (const matrix4 &other)
 Matrix assignment operator.
quaternion operator+ (const quaternion &other) const
 Add operator.
quaternion operator* (const quaternion &other) const
quaternion operator* (f32 s) const
 Multiplication operator with scalar.
quaternionoperator*= (f32 s)
 Multiplication operator with scalar.
vector3df operator* (const vector3df &v) const
 Multiplication operator.
quaternionoperator*= (const quaternion &other)
 Multiplication operator.
f32 dotProduct (const quaternion &other) const
 Calculates the dot product.
quaternionset (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 w)
 Sets new quaternion.
quaternionset (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z)
 Sets new quaternion based on Euler angles (radians)
quaternionset (const nub::vector3df &vec)
 Sets new quaternion based on Euler angles (radians)
quaternionset (const nub::quaternion &quat)
 Sets new quaternion from other quaternion.
bool equals (const quaternion &other, const f32 tolerance=ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const
 returns if this quaternion equals the other one, taking floating point rounding errors into account
quaternionnormalize ()
 Normalizes the quaternion.
matrix4 getMatrix () const
 Creates a matrix from this quaternion.
void getMatrixFast (matrix4 &dest) const
 Faster method to create a rotation matrix, you should normalize the quaternion before!
void getMatrix (matrix4 &dest, const nub::vector3df &translation=nub::vector3df()) const
 Creates a matrix from this quaternion.
void getMatrixCenter (matrix4 &dest, const nub::vector3df &center, const nub::vector3df &translation) const
void getMatrix_transposed (matrix4 &dest) const
 Creates a matrix from this quaternion.
quaternionmakeInverse ()
 Inverts this quaternion.
quaternionlerp (quaternion q1, quaternion q2, f32 time)
 Set this quaternion to the linear interpolation between two quaternions.
quaternionlerpN (quaternion q1, quaternion q2, f32 time)
 Set this quaternion to the linear interpolation between two quaternions and normalize the result.
quaternionslerp (quaternion q1, quaternion q2, f32 time, f32 threshold=.05f)
 Set this quaternion to the result of the spherical interpolation between two quaternions.
quaternionfromAngleAxis (f32 angle, const vector3df &axis)
 Set this quaternion to represent a rotation from angle and axis.
void toAngleAxis (f32 &angle, nub::vector3df &axis) const
 Fills an angle (radians) around an axis (unit vector)
void toEuler (vector3df &euler) const
 Output this quaternion to an Euler angle (radians)
quaternionmakeIdentity ()
 Set quaternion to identity.
quaternionrotationFromTo (const vector3df &from, const vector3df &to)
 Set quaternion to represent a rotation from one vector to another.

Public Attributes

f32 X
 Quaternion elements.
f32 Y
f32 Z
f32 W

Detailed Description

Quaternion class for representing rotations.

It provides cheap combinations and avoids gimbal locks. Also useful for interpolations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fromAngleAxis()

quaternion & dcpp::nub::quaternion::fromAngleAxis ( f32  angle,
const vector3df axis 

Set this quaternion to represent a rotation from angle and axis.

axis must be unit length, angle in radians

Axis must be unit length. The quaternion representing the rotation is q = cos(A/2)+sin(A/2)*(x*i+y*j+z*k).

angleRotation Angle in radians.
axisRotation axis.

◆ getMatrix()

void dcpp::nub::quaternion::getMatrix ( matrix4 dest,
const nub::vector3df center = nub::vector3df() 
) const

Creates a matrix from this quaternion.

Creates a matrix from this quaternion

◆ getMatrixCenter()

void dcpp::nub::quaternion::getMatrixCenter ( matrix4 dest,
const nub::vector3df center,
const nub::vector3df translation 
) const

Creates a matrix from this quaternion Rotate about a center point shortcut for nub::quaternion q; q.rotationFromTo ( vin[i].Normal, forward ); q.getMatrixCenter ( lookat, center, newPos );

nub::matrix4 m2; m2.setInverseTranslation ( center ); lookat *= m2;

nub::matrix4 m3; m2.setTranslation ( newPos ); lookat *= m3;

Creates a matrix from this quaternion Rotate about a center point shortcut for nub::quaternion q; q.rotationFromTo(vin[i].Normal, forward); q.getMatrix(lookat, center);

nub::matrix4 m2; m2.setInverseTranslation(center); lookat *= m2;

◆ lerp()

quaternion & dcpp::nub::quaternion::lerp ( quaternion  q1,
quaternion  q2,
f32  time 

Set this quaternion to the linear interpolation between two quaternions.

NOTE: lerp result is not a normalized quaternion. In most cases you will want to use lerpN instead as most other quaternion functions expect to work with a normalized quaternion.

q1First quaternion to be interpolated.
q2Second quaternion to be interpolated.
timeProgress of interpolation. For time=0 the result is q1, for time=1 the result is q2. Otherwise interpolation between q1 and q2. Result is not normalized.

◆ lerpN()

quaternion & dcpp::nub::quaternion::lerpN ( quaternion  q1,
quaternion  q2,
f32  time 

Set this quaternion to the linear interpolation between two quaternions and normalize the result.

q1First quaternion to be interpolated.
q2Second quaternion to be interpolated.
timeProgress of interpolation. For time=0 the result is q1, for time=1 the result is q2. Otherwise interpolation between q1 and q2. Result is normalized.

◆ operator*()

quaternion dcpp::nub::quaternion::operator* ( const quaternion other) const

Multiplication operator Be careful, unfortunately the operator order here is opposite of that in PMatrix4::operator*

◆ slerp()

quaternion & dcpp::nub::quaternion::slerp ( quaternion  q1,
quaternion  q2,
f32  time,
f32  threshold = .05f 

Set this quaternion to the result of the spherical interpolation between two quaternions.

q1First quaternion to be interpolated.
q2Second quaternion to be interpolated.
timeProgress of interpolation. For time=0 the result is q1, for time=1 the result is q2. Otherwise interpolation between q1 and q2.
thresholdTo avoid inaccuracies at the end (time=1) the interpolation switches to linear interpolation at some point. This value defines how much of the remaining interpolation will be calculated with lerp. Everything from 1-threshold up will be linear interpolation.

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