

utx::same_assert, utx::same_strip_assert

utx::same_assert and utx::same_strip_assert are used to test if two types are the same or not the same. They are alias template, being useful at compile-time.

utx::same_assert<t1, t2>() is the shorthand combination of static_assert(std::same_as<t1, t2>)

utx::same_strip_assert<t1, t2>() is the shorthand combination of static_assert(std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<t1>, std::remove_cvref_t<t2>>)

utx::same_assert Calling Sig

utx::same_assert<type_xt, type_yt, true>();
utx::same_assert<type_xt, type_yt, false>();
utx::same_assert<type_xt, type_yt>();	// Default true

utx::same_assert is alias template of class utx::same_assert_class, whose constructor is consteval, and static_assert is evaluated at its constructor.

utx::same_strip_assert Calling Sig

utx::same_strip_assert<type_xt, type_yt, true>();
utx::same_strip_assert<type_xt, type_yt, false>();
utx::same_strip_assert<type_xt, type_yt>();	// Default true

utx::same_strip_assert is alias template of class utx::same_strip_assert_class, whose constructor is consteval, and static_assert is evaluated at its constructor.

The difference between utx::same_strip_assert and utx::same_assert is that utx::same_strip_assert will apply utx::remove_cvref_t before calling static_assert<utx::same_as<... .

c++ example

#include <utxcpp/core.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
	const int & x = 123;
	utx::same_assert<decltype(x), int, false>();

	utx::same_assert<utx::i32, utx::i32>();

	utx::same_strip_assert<decltype(x), int, true>();
	utx::same_strip_assert<decltype(x), int>();

	std::cout << "pass\n";

See Also



