cpp: c++ boost::proto silice
Created on Oct 7, 2024
c++ boost proto silice
Proto is a framework for building Embedded Domain-Specific Languages in c++. It provides tools for constructing, type-checking, transforming and executing expression templates.
Home: boost::proto
c++ placeholder is a metafunction class.
template <std::integral auto place_holder_i> class my_placeholder { };
boost::proto::callable_context is an evaluation context for boost::proto::eval, that explodes each node and calls the derived context type with the expressions constituents.
class my_context: public boost::proto::callable_context<my_context> { public: template <std::integral auto value_i> auto operator()(boost::proto::tag::terminal, my_placeholder<value_i>) { ... } };
A metafunction for generating terminal expression types.
namespace boost::proto::tag { public: class terminal; class plus; class negate; . . . }
Use c++ concepts for type requirements.
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp> #include <vector> #include <iostream> namespace world::space { template <typename type_t20> concept additive = requires (type_t20 v0, type_t20 v1) { {std::forward<type_t20>(v0) + std::forward<type_t20>(v1)} -> std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<type_t20>>; }; template <std::integral auto place_v00> class place_holder { }; template <world::space::additive type_t00> class addition_context: virtual public boost::proto::callable_context< world::space::addition_context< type_t00 > > { public: using result_type = std::remove_cvref_t<type_t00>; protected: std::vector<result_type> __data; public: addition_context() = delete; addition_context(const type_t00 & v0__, const type_t00 & v1__) { __data.push_back(v0__); __data.push_back(v1__); } virtual ~addition_context() { } public: template <std::integral auto place_v10> result_type operator()(boost::proto::tag::terminal, world::space::place_holder<place_v10>) const { return __data[place_v10]; } }; template <typename type_t00 = void> class evaluator { public: template <typename expr_t10, world::space::additive type_t11> auto operator()(const expr_t10 & expr__, const type_t11 & v0__, const type_t11 & v1__) const { auto ctx = world::space::addition_context{v0__, v1__}; return boost::proto::eval(expr__, ctx); } }; } // namespace world::space namespace user::space { template <world::space::additive type_t00> requires std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<type_t00>, type_t00> class my_addition_number { public: using value_type = type_t00; using self_type = my_addition_number<value_type>; public: value_type __value; public: my_addition_number(): __value{0} {} my_addition_number(const value_type & value__): __value{value__} { } public: self_type operator+(const self_type & other__) const { return __value + other__.__value; } self_type operator+(const value_type & other__) const { return __value + other__; } self_type operator+(const auto &) const = delete; #if false self_type operator+(const auto &) = delete; #endif public: void print() const { std::cout << "(user-defined number) result: " << __value << std::endl; } }; auto operator""_number (const long double value__) { return user::space::my_addition_number<long double>{value__}; } } // namespace user::space int main() { const auto eval = world::space::evaluator<void>{}; const auto x0 = boost::proto::terminal<world::space::place_holder<0>>::type{}; const auto x1 = boost::proto::terminal<world::space::place_holder<1>>::type{}; { const auto result = eval(x0 + x1, 2.5, 3.4); std::cout << "(number) result: " << result << std::endl; } { const auto a = user::space::my_addition_number{5.1}; const auto b = user::space::my_addition_number{3.4}; const auto result = eval(x0 + x1, a, b); result.print(); } { using user::space::operator""_number; const auto result = eval(x0 + x1, 3.4_number, 2.55_number); result.print(); } { [] { const auto a = user::space::my_addition_number{5.1}; static_assert(world::space::additive<decltype(a)>); static_assert(world::space::additive<int>); static_assert(world::space::additive<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(a)>>); using type_zz = user::space::my_addition_number<double>; static_assert(world::space::additive<type_zz>); } () ; } }
c++ std::exception:
std::cout.write(err.data(), err.size());
std::cout << std::endl;
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