
day-23: c++ STL: c++ Random Numbers

Let's ask a simple question: how to get a random number in c++?

The easiest way: std::random_device

#include <random>

int main()
	std::random_device rng;
	unsigned int aay = rng();
	// Now you got a random number: aay, it can be any unsigned int value

You will note that you always get the same value whatever how many times you run your program.

(Note that rng is an object of the class std::random_device, and rng() means calling the method .operator() of the object, an object of a class which defined method .operator() is named function object.)

To get a real randomized value every time you run your program, you need std::mt19937, it is a standard random number generator algorithm of c++ STL.


std::mt19937 is the c++ random number engine mersenne-twister-engine algorithm. It is widely used to generate random numbers.

#include <random>

int main()
	std::random_device seed;
	std::mt19937 rng{seed()};
	unsigned int aay2 = rng();

You see that the object seed is an object of class std::random_device, and seed() is an integral number generated by seed, then that number is passed to the constructor of std::mt19937 to create the object rng. At last, use rng() to generate a random number aay2.

The generated random number can be used as the seed of std::mt19937 again, and any integer numbers can be used as its seed too

std::mt19937 rng1{3456};	// 3456 is used as seed
std::mt19937 rng1{6543};
std::mt19937 rng2{rng1()};	// rng1() is used as the seed of rng2
std::random_device rng1;
std::mt19937 rng2{rng1()};	// rng1() is used as the seed of rng2
std::mt19937 rng3{rng2()};	// rng2() is used as the seed of rng3


std::mt19937_64 is the 64-bit-algorithm of std::mt19937, both std::mt19937_64 and std::mt19937 creates the same bit type of random number.

#include <random>
#include <iostream>

int main()
	auto rng1 = std::random_device{};

	// rng1() is used as seed, rng2() can be used as seed again.
	auto rng2 = std::mt19937_64{rng1()};

	auto random_value = rng2();

	std::cout << random_value << std::endl;

Written on Dec 09, 2024

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c++ std::exception:

std::cout.write(, err.size());

std::cout << std::endl;


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