p* -> d* -> dd* -> ddd* -> dddd*
p: pure;
d: dark;
More d, more dark;
For example: ddred
The color names with no prefix d and no prefix p are preserved and not changed, those colors are provided by official boost quickbook. Such as red, provided by official boost quickbook:
[role red Hello c++ !] - red by boost quickbook [role dred Hello c++ !] - dred by kpp
Hello c++ ! - red by boost quickbook Hello c++ ! - dred by kpp
red: Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ !
( red: pred ------ dred ------ ddred ------ dddred ------ ddddred )
green: Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ !
blue: Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ !
yellow (anti-blue) :
Hello, c++ !
Hello, c++ ! Hello,
c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello,
c++ !
cyan (anti-red) :
Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello, c++ !
Hello, c++ ! Hello,
c++ !
magenta (anti-green) :
Hello, c++ !
Hello, c++ ! Hello,
c++ ! Hello, c++ ! Hello,
c++ !
redpurple1 :
Hello, c++ !
redpurple2 :
Hello, c++ !
greenpurple1 :
Hello, c++ !
greenpurple2 :
Hello, c++ !
bluepurple1 :
Hello, c++ !
bluepurple2 :
Hello, c++ !
[pre [role dddgreen c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] [role dddred c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] [role dddblue c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] [role dddyellow c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] [role dddcyan c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] [role dddmagenta c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !] ]
c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings ! c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings ! c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings ! c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings ! c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings ! c++ is the most awesome programming language in the world ! Boot library is the most helpful and awesome c++ library ! Object-oriented programming is the most interesting programming of all programmings !
Quickbook belongs to the boost c++ project.
Home: https://www.boost.org/tools/quickbook