
Install Boost Doc Toolchain

Install Boost Doc Toolchain


To install boost doc toolchain, you need to install b2 build toolchain, the doc file of which can be found in this pack.

Install B2 Build Toolchain

Install docbook tools

Install docbook-xsl, docbook-xml, xsltproc

xsl is provided by docbook-xsl

dtd is provided by docbook-xml

docbook-xsl and docbook-xml are the xsl and dtd 's package names on q4os linux, they might have different package names on different linux distributions, you should find them for yourself.

docbook-xsl and docbook-xml are most likely already installed on your system. If not, install them.

$ su -
# apt install docbook-xsl docbook-xml xsltproc

Find the docbook-xsl-dir path

The full path of xsl dir must contain common/common.xsl .

$ dpkg -L docbook-xsl | ugrep 'common/common.xsl'

Not choose the slides one, choose this:


Now remove the last part /common/common.xsl, we get:


We can call it docbook-xsl-dir path for b2 build, write it down, it will be used laterly.

Find the docbook-dtd-dir path

The full path of dtd dir must contain docbookx.dtd .

$ dpkg -L docbook-xml | ugrep 'docbookx.dtd'

The version 4.2 is proved working by me, so we choose the path:


Now remove the last part /docbookx.dtd from the path, we get:


We can call it docbook-dtd-dir path for b2 build, write it down, it will be used laterly.

Install boostbook (from boost)

boostbook can be found in boost source code, copy it only: copy it to your operating system's shared location.

For example, I copy boostbook to /sand/share/boostbook and then use /sand/share/boostbook as the shared location.

$ cd <BOOST-SOURCE-ROOT>/tools
$ su
# cp -rf boostbook /sand/share/

Now /sand/share/boostbook is the boostbook location.

Install quickbook (from boost)

quickbook must be compiled from the quickbook source code in boost source code, then a binary file quickbook will be generated, we only need that binary file quickbook.

$ cd <BOOST-SOURCE-ROOT>/tools/quickbook/build
$ b2 -q -j7

Then, quickbook will be generated at <BOOST-SOURCE-ROOT>/dist/bin/quickbook, just copy it to your system bin path.

For example, I copy it to /sand/bin/quickbook, and my /sand/bin is already added to PATH environment variable.

$ cd <BOOST-SOURCE-ROOT>/dist/bin
$ su
# cp ./quickbook /sand/bin/

To check if quickbook and its PATH work, type quickbook to run it:

$ quickbook

Configure /etc/site-config.jam

Setup quickbook

Setup quickbook, the second parameter of "using quickbook" is the quickbook binary path; If its path can be found at commandline, the second parameter can be left empty.

Setup boostbook

Setup boostbook:

docbook xsl path

The second parameter of "using boostbook" is the docbook-xsl-dir path, we have already found it as described in the beginning of this doc, just copy the path value string to /etc/site-config.jam .

docbook dtd path

The third parameter of "using boostbook" is the docbook-dtd-dir path, we have already found it as described in the beginning of this doc, just copy the path value string to /etc/site-config.jam .

boostbook path

The fourth paramter of "using boostbook" is the boostbook path.

Final /etc/site-config.jam

Final configure appending to /etc/site-config.jam :

using quickbook : /sand/bin/quickbook ;
using boostbook

See Also

Install B2 Build Toolchain

Boost Home - Boostbook and quickbook are copyrighted by Boost Software.





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