A particle emitter for using with particle systems.
Definition IParticleEmitter.hpp:46
A particle emitter which emits from a spherical space.
Definition IParticleSphereEmitter.hpp:17
virtual f32 getRadius() const =0
Get the radius of the sphere for particle emissions.
virtual const nub::vector3df & getCenter() const =0
Get the center of the sphere for particle emissions.
virtual E_PARTICLE_EMITTER_TYPE getType() const override
Get emitter type.
Definition IParticleSphereEmitter.hpp:33
virtual void setRadius(f32 radius)=0
Set the radius of the sphere for particle emissions.
virtual void setCenter(const nub::vector3df ¢er)=0
Set the center of the sphere for particle emissions.
As of Duckcpp 1.6, position2d is a synonym for vector2d.
Definition vector3d.hpp:11