July 20, 2024
ugrep (ug) is a file pattern searcher, it is a more powerful, ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grep (that is also completely free!). ugrep is written in c++.
Home: ugrep
ugrep "cpp" a_file
ugrep -r "cpp" .
ugrep -r -I "cpp" .
Many options mix together
ugrep -rI "cpp" .
ugrep -rIn "cpp" .
For simple search, quotes can be empty.
ugrep -rIn cpp .
ugrep -rIl cpp .
ugrep -rInv cpp .
ugrep -rIni cpp .
ugrep "^cpp" a_file
options can be also used.
ugrep -rIn "^cpp" .
Ignore case option can be used too.
ugrep -rIni "^cpp" .
ugrep -rIn "cpp$" .
a dot: .
ugrep -rIn ".pp" .
Three dots
ugrep -rIn "...cpp" . ugrep -rIn "cpp..." .
ugrep -rIn "[hc]pp" .
It will search hpp or cpp .
Match any one character of the alphabet or numeric table
ugrep -rIn "[a-z]cpp" . ugrep -rIn "[A-Z]cpp" . ugrep -rIn "[0-9]cpp" . ugrep -rIn "[a-zA-Z]cpp" . ugrep -rIn "[a-zA-Z0-9]cpp" . ugrep -rIn "boost[0-9][0-9]" .
boost86 will match above.
Match not any one of
ugrep -rIn "[^a-zA-Z]cpp" .
Don't be confused, this will match any lines that begin with alphabet:
ugrep -rIn "^[a-zA-Z]" .
Match one uppercase
ugrep -rIn "[[:upper:]]" .
Match one lowercase
ugrep -rIn "[[:lower:]]" .
Match one digit
ugrep -rIn "[[:digit:]]" .
Match a space
including \n, \r, \t, \v
ugrep -rIn "[[:space:]]" .
Match one visible character, including space
ugrep -rIn "[[:print:]]" .
ugrep -rIn "([A-Z]*)" . ugrep -rIn "[A-Z]*" .
ugrep -rIn "([A-Z]+)" . ugrep -rIn "(cpp[a-z]+)" . # Matched: cppfx cppreference ... ugrep -rIn "cpp([a-z]+)" .
ugrep -rIn "[A-Z]+" . ugrep -rIn "cpp[a-z]+" . # Matched: cppfx cppreference ...
ugrep -rIn "i[0-9]?" .
() are used for grouping sometimes.
ugrep -rIn ".*" .
Escape grouping
ugrep -rIn "\(void\)" . # Match (void) ugrep -rIn "(void)" . # Match void ugrep -rIn "void" . # Match void
Match any one word of
ugrep -rIn "(powered|Powered)" . # Match powered or Powered
ugrep -rIn "(cpp)?fx" . # Match cppfx or fx
Match include following one or more space .
ugrep -rIn "include[[:space:]]+" .
Match p or x or i that repeats 3 times: ppp, iii, xxx, ppi, pip, ipp, ...
ugrep -rIn "[pxi]{3}" .
Match alphabet that repeats 3~5 tmes.
ugrep -rIn "[[:alpha:]]{3,5}" .
Match any character that repeats any times
Match a dot
ugrep -rIn ".*\." . # a dot must be the last of the matched string. ugrep -rIn ".*\.$" . # a dot must be the very ending of the matched line.
Match a line that must begin with #include <, and end with .hpp>, and zero or more blank space can be existed between #include and <
ugrep -rIn "^#include[ ]*<.*\.hpp>$" .
Match a word that has three characters, and the characters must be a, b, u, v, w, x, y, or z, such as: abu aaa uba uaz www uby
ugrep -rIn "[abu-z]{3}" .
[Official ugrep regex table]
. any character except \n a the character a ab the string ab a|b a or b a* zero or more a's a+ one or more a's a? zero or one a a{3} 3 a's a{3,} 3 or more a's a{3,7} 3 to 7 a's a*? zero or more a's lazily a+? one or more a's lazily a?? zero or one a lazily a{3}? 3 a's lazily a{3,}? 3 or more a's lazily a{3,7}? 3 to 7 a's lazily \. escapes . to match . \Q...\E the literal string ... \f form feed \n newline \r carriage return \R any Unicode line break \t tab \v vertical tab \X any character and \n \cZ control character ^Z \0 NUL \0ddd octal character code ddd \xhh hex character code hh \x{hhhh} Unicode code point U+hhhh \u{hhhh} Unicode code point U+hhhh [abc-e] one character a,b,c,d,e [^abc-e] one char not a,b,c,d,e,\n [[:alnum:]] a letter or decimal digit [[:alpha:]] a lower or uppercase letter [[:ascii:]] ASCII char \x00-\x7f [[:blank:]] a space or a tab [[:cntrl:]] a control character [[:digit:]] a decimal digit [[:graph:]] a visible character [[:lower:]] a lowercase letter [[:print:]] a visible char or space [[:punct:]] a punctuation character [[:space:]] a space,\t,\v,\f,\r [[:upper:]] an uppercase letter [[:word:]] a word-like character [[:xdigit:]] a hexadecimal digit \p{Class} one character in Class \P{Class} one char not in Class \d a decimal digit \D a non-digit character \h a space or a tab \H not a space or a tab \l a lowercase letter \L a non-lowercase character \s a whitespace except \n \S a non-whitespace \u an uppercase letter \U a non-uppercase character \w a word-like character \W a non-word character ^ begin of line anchor $ end of line anchor \A begin of file anchor \Z end of file anchor \b word boundary \B non-word boundary \< start of word boundary \> end of word boundary (?=...) lookahead (-P) (?!...) negative lookahead (-P) (?<=...) lookbehind (-P) (?<!...) negative lookbehind (-P) (...) capturing group (-P) (...) non-capturing group (?:...) non-capturing group (?<X>...) capturing, named X (-P) \1 matches group 1 (-P) \g{10} matches group 10 (-P) \g{X} matches group name X (-P) (?#...) comments ... are ignored
Search c++ file type.
Search c++ file type, including .cpp, .hpp, ..., etc.
Search file type .cpp, .hpp, .ipp
ugrep outputs matched string, with --format and --replace option.
Match ipv4 addresses and outputs:
ugrep '[0-9]+[0-9.:]*[0-9]+' --format="%o " .
Read Help:
ugrep --help format
Outputs all in one line
Outputs by each line
--format="%o "
--format="address=%o "
Possible output:
address= address= address=
Home: ugrep
c++ std::exception:
std::cout.write(err.data(), err.size());
std::cout << std::endl;
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