

utx::fx32 - utx::f32

utx::fx32 is 32-bit floating point class type. It is c++ class, so utx::fx32 is object-oriented basic floating type.

utx::fx32 - utx::f32, the class type of utx::f32.

utx::fx32 can be initialized by a floating number, as it has converting constructor to initialize the object:

utx::fx32 x = 3.14314f;
utx::fx32 y{4.13f};

utx::fx32 fulfills all basic floating number operarors, and it also has operator<< to do printing:

utx::fx32 x = 1.234f;
std::cout << x << std::endl;

utx::fx32 has three member functions which make utx::fx32 to be converted to basic floating number:

utx::fx32 x = 8.9f;
utx::f32 a = x;
utx::f32 b = x();
utx::f32 c = x.value();

utx::fx32 has a special member function to get the underlying value ref:

utx::fx32 c++ example

#include <utxcpp/core.hpp>

int main()
	utx::fx32 x = 1.1f;
	utx::fx32 y = x*(x+1);
	utx::print(x, y); // 1.1 2.31


