Nirtcpp 2.1.0
Nirtcpp is a high-performance c++ graphics engine.
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nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >, including all inherited members.

append(T character)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
append(const T *const other, u32 length=0xffffffff)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
append(const string< T, TAlloc > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
append(const string< T, TAlloc > &other, u32 length)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
char_type typedef (defined in nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >
clear(bool releaseMemory=true) (defined in nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
data() constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
empty() constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
equals_ignore_case(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
equals_substring_ignore_case(const string< T, TAlloc > &other, const s32 sourcePos=0) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
equalsn(const string< T, TAlloc > &other, u32 n) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
equalsn(const T *const str, u32 n) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
erase(u32 index)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
eraseTrailingFloatZeros(char decimalPoint='.')nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
find(const B *const str, const u32 start=0) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findFirst(T c) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findFirstChar(const T *const c, u32 count=1) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findFirstCharNotInList(const B *const c, u32 count=1) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findLast(T c, s32 start=-1) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findLastChar(const T *const c, u32 count=1) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findLastCharNotInList(const B *const c, u32 count=1) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
findNext(T c, u32 startPos) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
insert(u32 pos, const char *s, u32 n)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
lastChar() constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
lower_ignore_case(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
make_lower()nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
make_upper()nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
multibyteToWStringnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >friend
operator!=(const T *const str) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator!=(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+(const B *const c) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(T c)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const T *const c)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const string< T, TAlloc > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const int i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const unsigned int i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const long i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const unsigned long i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const double i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator+=(const float i)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator<(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator=(const string< T, TAlloc > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator=(const string< B, A > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator=(const B *const c)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator==(const T *const str) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator==(const string< T, TAlloc > &other) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator[](const u32 index)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
operator[](const u32 index) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
remove(T c)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
remove(const string< T, TAlloc > &toRemove)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
removeChars(const string< T, TAlloc > &characters)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
replace(T toReplace, T replaceWith)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
replace(const string< T, TAlloc > &toReplace, const string< T, TAlloc > &replaceWith)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
reserve(u32 count)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
size() constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
split(container &ret, const T *const delimiter, u32 countDelimiters=1, bool ignoreEmptyTokens=true, bool keepSeparators=false) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
string()nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
string(const string< T, TAlloc > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
string(const string< B, A > &other)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
string(const double number)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
string(int number)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
string(unsigned int number)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
string(long number)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
string(unsigned long number)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
string(const B *const c, u32 length)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
string(const B *const c)nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
subString(u32 begin, s32 length, bool make_lower=false) constnirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
trim(const string< T, TAlloc > &whitespace=" \t\n\r")nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
validate()nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline
~string()nirt::core::string< T, TAlloc >inline


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