Jimcpp 2.1.0
Jimcpp is a high-performance c++ graphics engine.
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jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >, including all inherited members.

allocated_size() constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
allocator_type typedef (defined in jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >
array()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
array(u32 start_count)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inlineexplicit
array(const array< T, TAlloc > &other)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
binary_search(const T &element)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
binary_search(const T &element) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
binary_search(const T &element, s32 left, s32 right) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
binary_search_multi(const T &element, s32 &last)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
clear()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
const_pointer() constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
empty() constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
equals(const T *otherData, u32 size) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
erase(u32 index)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
erase(u32 index, s32 count)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
getLast()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
getLast() constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
insert(const T &element, u32 index=0)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
linear_reverse_search(const E &element) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
linear_search(const E &element) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
operator!=(const array< T, TAlloc > &other) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
operator=(const array< T, TAlloc > &other)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
operator==(const array< T, TAlloc > &other) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
operator[](u32 index)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
operator[](u32 index) constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
pointer()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
push_back(const T &element)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
push_front(const T &element)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
reallocate(u32 new_size, bool canShrink=true)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
set_data(const T *newData, u32 newSize, bool newDataIsSorted=false, bool canShrink=false)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
set_free_when_destroyed(bool f)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
set_pointer(T *newPointer, u32 size, bool _is_sorted=false, bool _free_when_destroyed=true)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
set_sorted(bool _is_sorted)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
set_used(u32 usedNow)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
setAllocStrategy(eAllocStrategy newStrategy=ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
size() constjpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
size_type typedef (defined in jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >
sort()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
swap(array< T, TAlloc > &other)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline
value_type typedef (defined in jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >)jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >
~array()jpp::core::array< T, TAlloc >inline

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