8#include <duckcpp/core/engine/ISceneNodeAnimator.hpp>
Special scene node animator for Maya-style cameras.
Definition ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.hpp:26
virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed)=0
Sets the speed of movement.
virtual void setZoomSpeed(f32 zoomSpeed)=0
Set the zoom speed.
virtual f32 getZoomSpeed() const =0
Returns the zoom speed.
virtual void setRotateSpeed(f32 rotateSpeed)=0
Set the rotation speed.
virtual f32 getDistance() const =0
Returns the current distance, i.e. orbit radius.
virtual f32 getRotateSpeed() const =0
Returns the rotation speed.
virtual f32 getTargetMinDistance() const =0
Returns the minimal distance to the camera target for zoom.
virtual void setDistance(f32 distance)=0
Set the distance.
virtual f32 getMoveSpeed() const =0
Returns the speed of movement.
virtual void setTargetMinDistance(f32 minDistance)=0
Set the minimal distance to the camera target for zoom.
Animates a scene node. Can animate position, rotation, material, and so on.
Definition ISceneNodeAnimator.hpp:32
As of Duckcpp 1.6, position2d is a synonym for vector2d.
Definition vector3d.hpp:11
float f32
32 bit floating point variable.
Definition irrTypes.hpp:110